Did you do the xcode method?


(2 replies, posted in Trading Post)

https://www.aliexpress.com/item/For-Nin … 81867.html

Bought one!

double post

I decided to make a Facebook page for the shop, check it out here: https://www.facebook.com/catskullelectronics


(26 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I'll have some cheaper options soon. They won't be as pretty as this one though!


(3 replies, posted in Releases)

Really nice release!

There's also this thing: http://www.lskeyjay.com/product/ls-key-jay/

It's basically a custom PS/2 keyboard built specifically for LSDJ. Though won't work with midi, but aside from that it sounds like it's what you want.

unexpectedbowtie wrote:
catskull wrote:

Arduinoboy will convert the midi data to the keyboard data.

My God. I didn't realise this. I must have missed that update. (he says, hoping it wasn't years and years ago).

It was. smile

Arduinoboy will convert the midi data to the keyboard data. From the manual:

LSDJ Slave Mode Midi Note Effects:
48 - C-2 Sends a Sequencer Start Command
49 - C#2 Sends a Sequencer Stop Command
50 - D-2 Toggles Normal Tempo
51 - D#2 Toggles 1/2 Tempo
52 - E-2 Toggles 1/4 Tempo
53 - F-2 Toggles 1/8 Tempo

LSDJ Keyboard Mode:
36 - C-1 Mute Pu1 Off/On
37 - C#1 Mute Pu2 Off/On
38 - D-1 Mute Wav Off/On
39 - D#1 Mute Noi Off/On
40 - E-1 Livemode Cue Sequence
41 - F-1 Livemode Cursor Up
42 - F#1 Livemode Cursor Down
43 - G-1 Livemode Cursor Left
44 - G#1 Livemode Cursor Right
45 - A-1 Table Up
46 - A#1 Table Down
47 - B-1 Cue Table
48 - C-2 to C-8 Notes!

Prgram Change to select from instrument table
Default Midi channel is 16. You can change in the top of the main source file in the archive.


(6 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

OMG! It really exists!

Honestly, the best answer to your question is just in the code itself: https://github.com/trash80/Arduinoboy

There is some documentation there as well.

In regard to a virtual arduinoboy, BGB does have link protocol, so it is possible. There was some talk of that a few months ago, I'm not sure what ever happened with it (probably nothing). So that is definitely totally possible.

If anyone is using my 32k cart and would like to reflash it with BennVenn's JoeyJoebags flasher, I have a build of the software available. It adds support for the cart, as well as optimized the software to run on OSX.

Credit goes to rebb and ben for figuring out the flash routing and rebb for making the software work on OSX.

Get it here: https://github.com/catskull/JoeyJoebags

e.s.c. wrote:

smart move going with a separate power source rather than relying on power over midi din. a surprisingly high number of devices don't send power over din these days (some for understandable reasons, such as piggy midi boxes, battery life on gp2x is rough enough without having to power other devices)

It wasn't really a move on my part, power over midi is not standard and is up to the manufacturer. This system needs 5v but many synths use something else, it's just not a game I want to play!

yogi wrote:

WOW, looks interesting! 5 DIN, what's the geometry? USB midi or just power?
smile Yogi

4x midi outputs, 1 midi input.

USB for power only. There is discussion about adding a usb-serial chip, which would allow you to use a midi to serial program on your pc to do usb midi. Not sure if it's worth the overhead though. Totally open to suggestions!

For anyone interested, the code is free software (GPLv3) and available on github: https://github.com/catskull/midi_router/

Kind of a mess right now though.


(28 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Thanks for your feedback!

The overwriting logo thing was something we talked about. We decided to just overwrite everything on import. Sorry about that! Why are you importing a rom to change the logo though? Just curious, it will not boot on a real gameboy if you change the logo. The import function was more for editing other fields in the header.

I guess you can technically save different logos by just downloading a new rom of each logo you make. I don't think that's what you mean though smile. We used to have a raw hex input and output for the logo data, but got rid of it for simplicity.