(36 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Do you want to be able to plug in a USB MIDI device into your arduinoboy? Or you just want to be able to plug the arduinoboy into your computer and have it show up as a midi device?


(23 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I don't know the answers to your questions, but AFAIK the USB midi host stuff is pretty exclusive to the teensy.

If you're looking for the absolute cheapest way to connect your gameboy to MIDI, I would just build a regular arduinoboy and buy one of these super cheap USB MIDI cables: http://www.ebay.com/itm/MIDI-USB-IN-OUT … 1416064081

Also, shameless plug, but I have arduinoboy kits for pretty cheap. Maybe even cheaper than buying all the parts yourself. http://catskull.net/shop/arduinoboy


(12 replies, posted in General Discussion)

This was the last substantial post I've seen from him: http://chipmusic.org/forums/post/92232/#p92232

He also linked to this website, is this him? http://chriskann.com/index.html

Why have I not heard of you before this?!? This is excellent. Some of my favorite chip rock I've ever heard!

Have you tried fresh good quality alkaline batteries?

Oh weird! Youtube must have changed something recently.

Sorry the pictures are like 100% horrible.

Red chinese shell, biverted yellow backlight, gold screen protector (I was going for a Famicom style).

Green transparent ASM shell (not Nintendo text). Green biverted backlight, pink screen protector, pink nes style buttons. Green power led.

Neither are pro sounded currently, but I'd be happy to do an internal profound for you. I just hate drilling my gameboys since there's like a 50% chance I'll ruin it.


(16 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Maybe I can ask a general c64 PSU question: what's considered acceptable for the AC voltage? Seems like I've seen ~12v, is that a problem?


(16 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Maybe I can ask a general c64 PSU question: what's considered acceptable for the AC voltage? Seems like I've seen ~12v, is that a problem?

I've got two DMG's that may be suitable, I'll post pics later today.

http://www.aliexpress.com/item/new-3-5m … c663b151ba


(28 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Post weekend bump, just looking for a little feedback on this! http://catskull.net/GB-Logo-Generator/

e.s.c. wrote:
JodyBigfoot wrote:

the water park in osaka is meant to be class but i couldnt go cos of tattoos everywhere

wait.. what?

I'll take a crack: The water park is supposed to be nice, but I couldn't go because I'm covered in tattoos and Japanese people don't like that.


(28 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

This has been updated to be a total gameboy rom header utility. You can now adjust all of the header data to your heart's desire! It also supports uploading (patching) an existing rom.

Check it out, let me know what you think!


(10 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Interested in nanoloop!

I see. Yeah the traces were cut originally when I didn't use the hhl board. I actually like the non destructive nature of the hhl board, especially considering its only a few dollars.