herr_prof snagged that one.
I'm down to my last PCB for this batch! If you want one and don't want to have to wait a month, now's the time to order. Conveniently, when my stock was getting low spring festival is in full effect right now so nothing is happening in China until the 16th, and then add shipping on top of that!
If anyone is curious, I've probably sold 30 arduinoboys between the beta batch, 1.0.0, and this latest 1.0.1. 1.0.1 is the first batch I'll sell out of though. The good news is that thanks to Jazzmarazz I've nailed down a good supplier of midi jacks so inventory should remain consistent as long as I keep on top of it.
I haven't had a ton of feedback since the beta batch, so I assume no news is good news. I've noticed a few irregularities myself though. One is that the shield will not do midi in on an old (official) Arduino Duemilanove (atmega 168) and new (official) Arduino Mega 256. I'm not really sure what's going on with it, but I also don't really care to find out as those arduinos are quite a bit older and I'm selling known working arduinos for only $5.
I was also testing it out the other night with a dual ended link cable and a DMG, and mGB would only work with one end of the dual link cable. No idea what's going on with that either, but that would have to be a defect in the cable.
If anyone else has any feedback good or bad, please post it here! And if you know of somewhere else I could post (advertise) these kits, that would be great as well!