(2 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Hi all!

So instead of wasting tons and tons of batteries and constantly losing rechargeable ones, I've been looking for alternatives to providing power.

I just so happen to have a 10,000 mAh USB battery, and I would love to use this as a means for powering my gameboys. The issue I'm coming across is finding which DC adapter to get...

I'm finding plenty of USB to DC 5v adapters on eBay, but no USB to DC 6v. I've seen people like Noyzbot use DMG's with a battery bank, and I'm confused as to which one to buy/look for.

Should I go 6v or 5v?


reference: http://www.ebay.com/itm/USB-2-0-to-3-5m … xy4YdTT9sL

WHat the FUCK this is AWEsomE

I've noticed that macbooks themselves aren't very good when it comes to any form of emulation (from personal experience). I have a feeling it has to do with RAM usage and management, but I always get this effect, even when using trackers like KiGB.

I'd love to hear if this gets fixed!

This is my latest track:


Please tear this thing apart. I want to get better and better.



(327 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Just gonna throw this out there:

Pixeltune's "A Coherent Fix"
https://cheapbeatsmusic.bandcamp.com/al … herent-fix


(10 replies, posted in General Discussion)

snesei wrote:

I'm a big fan of Youtube Red, being able to play any video/song without it being on the screen is huge.

I find it really funny that you have to pay 10 bucks a month to use a feature that's available for almost every other audio player.

Where can I give you every last cent I have?


(10 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Bandcamp or go home.

bitjacker wrote:

whoever told you your music sucks needs to be punched in the face. i like your songs.


herr_prof wrote:

Yea maybe you just don't like the gameboy.

I swear I'm hearing something. hmm

Maybe it's Ableton? My headphones? Speakers?

I dunno that was exactly what I'm talking about.

Maybe this?
https://soundcloud.com/nanode/itchy-tri … hque-remix

herr_prof wrote:

Post an example?




(23 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

what the HECK

Hi everyone.

So many, or none of you know that my mixing skills are absolute shit.

I'm at a point where I'm doing the best I can possibly be doing with EQing, denoising, compressing/limiting, and adding slight reverb and exciter effects, but there's still a huge setback...

I don't know if it's my Gameboy (DMG-01) or not, but my sound output is grainy. I have good cables, and my Scarlett 2i2 is fairly new, so I don't think it's that. Some people have complained that my music is unlistenable (which I kind of find hard to believe hmm ).

Any ideas of what I'm doing wrong? Should I start recording with a GBA instead?


JodyBigfoot wrote:
_-_- wrote:

You must be new here.

what dramas have i missed?

a lot