For the gba, I need to fix some things before share it, but you can try the nds version :
it's the same thing with more hurry accessible options on bottom screen and with the possibilities to activate or not IA options. You can also change bpm with X or Y.
There is some graphic bugs which are not on gba version : if the 'X' appear too many times, move it a little and it should disappear.
Bottom screen can be modified only if sequencer is not playing.
Use sync only from bottom screen, not from options, only this one works. You have to place sounds 'o' or 'O' on track 11 for it works.
If you activate the sync, it works with volca (tested with volca beats, it should work with other volcas). You need a Y cable (stereo to 2 mono). All the sounds will become mono and goes into one of the channel (I don't remember if it's left or right). And the other channel is the sync so you can plug in to volca sync in. I tested it with lsdj and nanoloop, it don't work
It is often because of the level of sync is too low. So you can try increase the level with a mixer and it may works.
For exemple, on the gba version, Y sync works always with volca, but with akai rhythm wolf, if you don't use a mixer for increase the sync sound, it works only if it's used on gamecube gameboy player, because the level of sound is higher than on real gameboys.
The ds version don't have pulse sounds from sound chip. Nds can do the sames sounds from soundchip but I can't use these sounds and the samples in same time (I don't know why...) So I choosed to make it only samples... If some day I discover how use both in same time, I will add pulse and noise sounds
EDIT : on emulator, the fluidity of the sequencer is not very stable, but on the real nds it works good. I tested it on DSi, it should be the same on other ds