ΠᶸϾLΔϾξ wrote:

well dang it.

you'd think there would be a warning when you are signing up about those kind of things

why can't i add you on facebook??

or pronounce you?????

or rather, why am i bad at unicode

celsius wrote:

For the record I'd be keen to test your development efforts. I have a gig I'm hosting on the 26th of this month. You've got just over a week. GO!


HA most likely not until after blip NY at least.  but yeah, it'd be useful to bounce this off of people who have had experience running and streaming events.

chipocrite wrote:

Vomiting also perhaps


i whipped up a working proof of concept using Adobe AIR that basically takes each of my two webcam inputs, arranges them into a PIP-type layout, and blows it up to full screen.  the resulting image can then be captured by streaming software. 

it doesn't have to be picture-in-picture, theoretically you can layout/composite the images any way you want, with as many webcams as your computer can allow. 

of course, when you have 2 webcams feeding 720p+ video data into a computer that's busy pushing out another HD stream in realtime, i would imagine this is all pretty taxing on the CPU.   my desktop machine seems to handle this acceptably, but i'm not sure how robustly your average entry-level laptop would deal with this.

time permitting, i'd love to develop this project further (implementing different layout schemes, realtime transitions, keyboard controls, adding overlays and messages, etc.) - i just need a solid chunk of a few afternoons to hash it out, as well as gaining a better understanding of common use cases (what features would be the most useful for chip events?). 

dave, let me know if you're interested in following this route. i'd be more motivated if there were people interested in trying it out and offering feedback.

i'm imagining a stream consisting of a 4x4 array of 16 simultaneous chip events around the world, connected via videoconference.

mother of god

MONODEER you're welcome


when i made my pilgrimage to Super Potato (oldschool game store mecca) during blip tokyo last fall, there was a machine running a game's attract mode, at full volume, non-stop.  it made the whole floor feel like a desolate mausoleum for an ancient videogame-playing civilization from thousands of years ago...  super creepy.

it was this (0:00-0:40):

k boyz and gurlz, y'all ready for a BOATLOAD OF SADNESS?? let's kick it:

so, i played Final Fantasy Adventure (GB) when i was 9.  this is still hands-down the most melancholy music i have ever heard.  AND it accompanies people dying and sacrificing themselves, that's pretty heavy for a 9-year old.

Oh and also:

bryface - hope and despair - this is probably the closest thing to a sad song that i have ever written.  it's because i wrote it in the middle of a really dark time in my life -- but strangely enough, writing it helped me through it.

i also turn off my game boy using a hammer

i just make a new chain/phrase on the spot because i'm stupid and idgaf


(11 replies, posted in Audio Production)

You may want to try changing the VIB. TYPE for your instrument to something other than HF.  this affects the speed of pitchbends as well.

it depends on how long you want your pitch bend to be though.  If that doesn't satisfy what you're trying to do, VCMG's method works as well.


(27 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

just because a medium's available parameters are different in their kind or degree of exposure doesn't mean the artist won't find some way to obsess over them, especially if it's necessary to achieve the exact sound they're looking for.

i'm quite certain lots of electronic artists and sound engineers will stab people because a reverb tail didn't clear out the way they wanted,  or because a particular point in their volume envelope is 50ms too late/early.  some will spend a month creating and programming a custom patch in Max/MSP from scratch to achieve a level of control over a sample or VST that their environment can't provide.

btw my LSDJ cart says 70:16:39 total and counting, but i'm pretty sure that value had rolled back to 0 at some point.  Anybody know the maximum work time that can be represented?


(27 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

sometimes i go to bed leaving my GB on, so i'm sure the total work time is way skewed.

Bit Shifter wrote:

Full lineup ANNOUNCED, and workshops too! First post updated with info.

that is swell.  REAL swell.

shitbird !!! !  !!!   !!!!!!

Decktonic wrote:

i went to a dubstep show once and compared to that, blip smells like a bottle of febreze.

oh right the smell, that's mainly from dubstep being terrible music