(383 replies, posted in General Discussion)


Natty wrote:
bryface wrote:

OR, you COULD still have it anyway, thereby doubling the number of open mics.

(i wanna hear people for more than 6 mins at a time!!!!)

OR, they could NOT have it and add another act to the bill. C'mon, one open mic is enough, right? wink The blip open mic night is usually a nice, casual, and pretty long event where lots of people get to play and there isn't a huge time pressure. I think having another open mic at the Eindbass show would just take up a half-hour that could be used for sound check or a full set.

OR, blipfest could ditch all its acts and just become 3 straight days of open mics.  total anarchy!! 

fair point about the length of the open mic though - i guess if there's only half an hour for open mic-type activities and they're trying to get the rest of the show on the road, then there'd be substantial time pressure.

Decktonic wrote:

Open mic slots are short because there's always a good chance you'll get "my first LSDJ" and not everyone has the attention span for those kinds of 'surprises.'

true, it's good to avoid situations where an artist is overstaying their welcome, but that's always a risk anyway.  it's just that 6 minutes still feels a little too short to me..  8 mins feels more natural a stretch of time, just enough for two songs if the artists wants to do that.


Forgot to mention: there is a really big chance that there will be an open mic like every year, so we heard... So we are not having one on the EINDBAAS night smile

OR, you COULD still have it anyway, thereby doubling the number of open mics.

(i wanna hear people for more than 6 mins at a time!!!!)


Well if there are no other plans for an open mic on the thursday before Blip, we would love to host it at the EINDBAAS night. We've actually started open mic/stage at the EINDBAAS parties here in The Netherlands because of the Pulsewave nights and thing it's important for new talent to step up.

would go.

just curious, who else from the netherlands or nearby countries is interested in coming with you guys?


(126 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i'm lounging around in los angeles at the moment so i can't do a picture of DMG In Mouth, but I can make do with a Bit Shifter In My Way.

EDIT: oops wrong thread, but HELLZ YEAH i'm going.  anybody wanna share accomodations?  spooning will be.... minimal.


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

ok, so i finished a korg M01 song, and i think it's a good example of one might be able to achieve with a more chip styled approach:

I basically tried to throw at this song every trick i learned from my oldschool tracker days.  since the instruments have pretty much no modulation whatsoever (other than adjusting attack/release times),  you have to spend a lot of time humanizing parts as much as possible, adjusting note lengths and velocities down to the note, to make it not sound like cheezy karaoke music.

generally, I feel that if your approach is to evoke the style of 16-bit games then you can actually get pretty good results.  a lot of the sound sets are included in the M01 are reminiscent of that era.   (actually as i was plotting down notes in the piano rolls the experience reminded me a lot of pxtone.)  but don't be surprised if you have trouble getting the M01 to sound good with any post-80's genre of electronic music.


woah, they got Bit Shifter to join the lineup? sweet!


(49 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i am thankful for this thread, not for the subject matter but because it made me fondly remember this


(49 replies, posted in General Discussion)

tags: Dubstep

of course


(76 replies, posted in General Discussion)

hey tim can you set something up where we can turn the feature back on at will?  some of us like it that way!!


(27 replies, posted in Releases)

superb, man.  great crunchy textures.


(76 replies, posted in General Discussion)



(3 replies, posted in General Discussion)


Legitimate question: what are you required to do for your assignment?

Is this a music course where you have to submit music that you've written?  if so, i think you should consider more heavily the compositional aspects of your pieces.  Is the song interesting simply because you've categorized it as chipmusic?  or because you were able to convey complex musical concepts that are more universal, like attention to melody, harmony, rhythm and counterpoint?

Is your assignment one in which your goal is to educate your professors and class about chipmusic?  Then by submitting your own music, you might be missing the point (unless you are supremely confident that your songs represent some of the best that chip as an artform has to offer). maybe it's a better idea to curate some songs by other artists that together demonstrate the sophistication and stylistic variety of chipmusic as a medium.

I just want you to do well in your assignment smile  and also that you do your best not to misrepresent the artform and the community...  it would be a shame if your class was left with the impression that chipmusic is not mindblowing.

Hey so, is it too early to ask if any pre or post parties are brewing around the time of blip NY?  even other chip parties that may not be related to blip?

I'm asking because it would have an impact on which days i'd plan to be in new york.  Last year i wanted to stick around a few more days for all the other parties but i couldn't - i'd like to rectify that this time around.

btw i'm open to playing any gigs if anyone'll have me!  i'll even be a backup dancer for someone else's gig if you want.   you know that "stirring the pot" dance?  i'm pretty good at that.

EDIT: linking to DeMarko's googlecal for easy reference: CHIPMUSIC AROUND THE WORLD | THREAD | GOOGLE CALENDAR