(65 replies, posted in General Discussion)

there is always the "write reviews of your own music under a pseudonym and hope others follow suit" route.

"bryface's music traverses the incalculable rifts between the tangible and the intangible; a veritable smorgasboard of melody and harmony that takes the listener on rides simultaneously rollercoastery and helicoptery.  The raw, elemental chiptune-inspired tones evoke the works of Death Cab For Cutie, Tchaikovsky, and Katy Perry all at once."
- Peter Longshoe, Associate Music Reviewer, SEMIQUAVER magazine

and that is how it is done


(9 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

i agree with a lot of the results that were posted so far.  this list also has a few that i've never heard before which is awesome.

and we're only at what, #95?  whoo!

some games i hope to see more tracks from in this list:
- ninja gaiden 2
- any of the YS games
- any contra game
- kirby's adventure
- mr. gimmick


(57 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)

watching the one of omodaka reminds me all over again that picking up his album was all worth it.

the cTrix clips are a little short unfortunately, but i think i remember him saying he had some friends help to record his entire performance and that he'll edit it all together when he gets home.

Lazerbeat wrote:
dosPrompt wrote:

Also can I just say what a great little venue Sabako is? And the fact they have a very decent quality stream/recording is a mega bonus

I will TOTALLY support this. Eiji, the guy who runs Sabako is an absolute hero and the soundsystem is MONSTROUS for the size of the venue,

ever ask him to venture any idea of the cost for all that gear?  i was pretty shocked to see that it took up nearly an ENTIRE WALL.

yeah i totally agree about the venue, cozy and intimate, and the vibe reminds me of a karaoke bar my friends and i used to frequent in vancouver.


(57 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)

sweet this is the picture i was looking for, Bit Shifter crooning "The Way You Look Tonight" to the winner of the 2011 Annual Blipfest beauty pageant.

for anyone that missed it, here are recordings for the afterparty streams:

afterparty part 1: http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/18081232
afterparty part 2: http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/18082216

i'm still recovering from jetlag so i've been off the radar for a while, but it was a crazy honour for me to play amongst you guys!  especially all you wacky aussies down there, jeez.

sorry for any confusion over the switchup at the beginning, MKA got owned by the insanely complex Tokyo subway system so i had to be the one to start the night off instead.

btw i'm trying to finish a new album soon, so all the new stuff in my set will find its way in there soon enough..


also... when the heck is johan going to make an amazing performance tracker synth for IOS?? its BADLY needed. hell, even just a beefed up touchscreen LSDJ for iOS would be absofucking incredible

from my experience, running LSDJ on a touchscreen-only interface is infuriating.

i loaded up LSDJ on a GB emulator for my android phone, and it was physically hard to navigate through the interface. You can do it, but you find that the tactile feedback of physical buttons proves to be pretty damn necessary - otherwise, entering notes decisively and chording of button presses is very hard to do.

for LSDJ to run well on iOS/Android/WP7/whatever, the interface needs to be rethought from the ground up, probably by making more extensive use gestures or physical buttons where available.


(4 replies, posted in Releases)

123123 wrote:

* Spam message deleted by Moderator. *

hello 123123, i love the things you have to say about sports and cheap jerseys and i too have a legitimate interest in sports and cheap jerseys just like your legitimate interest in sports and cheap jerseys.

i would like to buy seven thousand cheap jerseys

well i sure regret the shite out of having left japan now.

i for one could use more minikomi, just saying

sweet photos gil, thanks for the snaps.

also best photobomb evar

oh no!! sorry to hear about hally.  hope he gets the rest he needs!

do you think we'll see him floating around at blipfest though?

haven't had much time to prowl around Tokyo so far, but it's been an absolute blast just meeting a ton of like-minded people.

i spent saturday in odaiba with a bunch of the japanese DS-10 crew.  periodically they have an event where they spend the day at a park, plug their DS'es and other sound-making gadgets/apps into a giant mixer + amp, and basically jam together.  there were at least 20 of us hopping in and out of the mix over the course of a few hours.  what a freaking awesome idea.

on Sunday i played a short 10-minute set at a party in roppongi featuring a bunch of DJ's spinning lots of jpop + chiptune + remixes.  everyone there ended up being really surprised at the capabilities of the DS-10!  i'm taking it to be a good sign and i'm looking forward to the crowd i'll be playing for at the blip afterparty.

i've been to tokyo before so i've already done a bit of the exploring stuff, but i'll have much more time for that in the coming days.  any must-sees i should keep in mind?

the airplane terminals have various locations you can walk up to in order to obtain a rental router.

I was surprised to be able to rent one right at the terminal - everything i read said you need to place an order three days in advance.

one caveat to the mobile wifi router - it only has about 4 hours' worth of power, so you need to budget the time that you need to have it on.  (this pretty much nullifies your ability to be reached via internet 24/7).

Gil Goldshlager wrote:
bryface wrote:

ok mofos i am now in motherfrucking tokyo

How's the weather out there? can you feel the Blip coming? tongue
And I will love to meetup and get to know you peoples, I will be there in 21-30.10
Coming for pre+blip+after+1h1d
(I will probably stay in Kaosan Ninja hostel cool has suggested here)

i'm leaving for hong kong today for a few days, but i should be free in the mornings/afternoons of oct. 21-24 if anyone is up to do anything.

some useful information for you all: I rented a mobile wifi router from the airport last few days, which has been tremendously useful in its own right (i can tweet/message/email from my laptop and phone anywhere at will), but i think i will need to get an actual tokyo number when i come back on thursday.  unless everyone you know is super on top of their twitter DM's, it's hard to coordinate anything on the spot unless you can reach other by phone right away.

Lazerbeat wrote:
bryface wrote:


Where are you staying?

actually i'm staying in Chiba with one of my friends in the local japanese DS-10 community.  i'll be meeting some of them over the next couple of days.

but from the 20th-26th, i'll be staying at another friend's in Koenji (apparently it's just a 5-minute walk from koenji high).