
ok mofos i am now in motherfrucking tokyo

let us do things, PM or twitterDM me or somesuch


(41 replies, posted in Collaborations)

If i have time, and if no one else has done it, i'll take a crack at "Last Christmas" by Wham!

does DS-10 count?  otherwise i'll just do a VRC6 version.


(25 replies, posted in General Discussion)

that pains my heart and my balls

DAMN that Pre-party lineup looks amazing.   Super glad that Hally and Saitone are gonna be there!!  i had hoped to see them in the main Blip Tokyo lineup but this will do just as well.

The Afterparty lineup looks damn slick also, honoured and looking forward to jamming with you guys!


(116 replies, posted in General Discussion)

trash80 wrote:

Yeah I tried doing a javascript takeover to convert the site to ajax for that... it kind of failed on a number of areas so I decided to stop for now.

you could always try a.... coughPOPUPcough

no just kidding... the dynamic player definitely helps as is. 

if you like, i can whip up a custom audio player - i specialize in actionscript development.  i see that stock flash player used everywhere (ok i used it too) and could certainly use one with a niftier interface.


(116 replies, posted in General Discussion)

trash80 wrote:

Updates: recent posts is back (suckers)
added / made more usable the magical ratings set per item. (block of circles) based on a number of prerequisites and formula shitfilter magic. rating is 1 to 9 circles. pew pewpewpewww lazerz

i do like that it's easier to tell which tunes haven't been checked out as much.  The users could work together to "fill up the dots" for new tunes, at which point the artist that posted the song can't butthurt whine anymore about their tune not getting any eyeballs or feedback.

yeah, i typically encode audio at 320kbps, so it's not _the highest_ i could do.  but 192kbps should still plenty high enough to preserve most of the high frequencies, right?

hey, does anyone have any tips for uploading songs/videos to youtube without the audio getting totally humped in the face when processed?

i'd like to think my source videos are pretty high quality (720p, audio at 192kbps MP3, no audio distortion) but once the video's done uploading, the audio track seems like it gets completely ripped to shreds and what comes out sounds like it isn't any higher than 96kbps.   EVEN when i view the video in 720p or 1080p mode.

is there some secret magic video/audio encoding combination that survives the conversion process?  or some hidden youtube setting that i don't know about?

here's a video i just uploaded btw. the high frequencies are just totally messed up, especially through headphones. but i'm pretty sure there are lots of videos out there that don't have this problem.


(116 replies, posted in General Discussion)

AAH new layout

i like this.  i no longer have to launch a bigass wall of tabs for each forum category to see the latest posts.

any other cool changes on the way?


(116 replies, posted in General Discussion)

what's all this music i did

plane + tickets booked!  it is official.  exciting!!

Nullsleep wrote:

First post in thread updated with full lineup and new details.

Anamanaguchi [US]
Bit Shifter [US]
Cheapshot [UK]
The C-Men [NL]
cTrix [AU]
Hizimi [JP]
Je Deviens DJ En 3 Jours [FR]
Kplecraft [JP]
Manabn [JP]
M7Kenji [JP]
Nordloef [SE]
noteNdo [US]
Nullsleep [US]
Omodaka [JP]
Role Model [SE]
Sexy Synthesizer [JP]
Virt [US]
Xinon [JP]

BOSS lineup.  count me in.

i'll be in japan for about a week and a half!  to anyone else who's going: let us make friends and be awkward foreigners, or teach english, or something.

dosPrompt wrote:

Just a note that Team Soundbytes will be hosting/curating the afterparty (and are actually quite excited about SoundBytes going global!!). Anyone that will be in Tokyo for the occasion and are looking to play a show, Celsius and I are keen to hear from you (No promises, as we have limited time of course, but get in touch!)

holy balls.  can i throw my name in the hat?  I'm actively making plans to be at BlipFest Tokyo and i'd love to have the chance to perform in some fashion!

EDIT: could be pre or post party, either is fine.

more than a decade ago i was a fairly active ANSI artist for dialup BBSes.  when the BBS scene started to die off, so did my motivation to make ANSI art, but recently i decided it would be fun to get back into it. 

if any of you guys would like an ANSI logo done for you, now's your chance.  here's a collection of logos i did for some current artists a couple of months ago (click to embiggen):

anyway, I think i have some time to crank out another wave of logos (maybe about 4 in total this time), so feel free to make a request and i'll see if i can fit it in.

btw, feel free to ask any n00b questions about ANSI art, i'd be glad to enlighten folks about the nuances of the art form and its particular limitations.

when i first start a song, i use my humming voice to determine what key my tune is actually in.

that's about it