Why did you took off the recent posts button?
Now I'm lost without it.
385 Sep 19, 2011 10:59 am
Re: chipmusic.org updates yo (116 replies, posted in General Discussion)
386 Sep 17, 2011 4:26 pm
Re: How to add a sample WAV using VGM Maker? (16 replies, posted in Sega)
I think the sample works in the 6th channel with the S command. There is a test.vge I think.
Try using the S command!
387 Sep 15, 2011 9:57 pm
Topic: Silicon Teens - Chip'n'roll (1 replies, posted in General Discussion)
My question is: there is a chance this is form of taking the word chip into music just by associating to synthesizers and their chips?
Is this a first of it's kind? There was any kind of similar usage of the term chip (associated to microchips or something like that) before with music?
I am intrigued by this.
388 Sep 15, 2011 9:48 pm
Re: Subway Sonicbeat - 1987 (8 replies, posted in Releases)
Subway Sonicbeat wrote:Don't worry, people always say that to me but my favorite vocalist is Mark E Smith, so I kinda take that as a compliment.
Ah c'mon Kurt. Let The Fall out of this.
This argument "dylan sings shit and look where he is now" is a bunch of crap. And I already offered my home studio for recording and processing your vocals, so enough with teh weening excuses!
You never said that to me! Next time you will be bothered by my whining voice over your stereo!
And thanks, Peter! i've been listening to Silicon Teens these days, maybe I get that sound next time.
Also i wasn't expecting such a buzz now, it's kinda weird.
389 Sep 15, 2011 8:31 pm
Re: Subway Sonicbeat - 1987 (8 replies, posted in Releases)
They were recorded live, I'm thinking of recording the vocals next time and put it in the piggy so I can bitchrush it.
Thanks, man. I don't deny it's a half assed vocal recording, but I'm going to exercise it.
390 Sep 15, 2011 8:28 pm
Re: Los Alguiens - El Internet (11 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Subway Sonicbeat wrote:I bet they are argentinian.
>I bet they are argentinian
>PUNTO COM PUNTO MX PUNTO COM PUNTO MXI fail to see your logic here?
is a trollbait to Akira.
Also, the trollbait of every brazilian with argentinians. Don't worry.
391 Sep 15, 2011 7:19 pm
Re: Subway Sonicbeat - 1987 (8 replies, posted in Releases)
Don't worry, people always say that to me but my favorite vocalist is Mark E Smith, so I kinda take that as a compliment. I'm not in any way interested in being the best vocalist in the world, I just do what I like to.
Thanks to listening anyway
392 Sep 14, 2011 9:46 pm
Re: Piggy Tracker Thread (798 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)
All I want is MIDI softsynth. Moar cheapsynthpop to do.
393 Sep 14, 2011 9:45 pm
Re: Los Alguiens - El Internet (11 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Gracias, America.
I bet they are argentinian.
I still prefer Technobrega.
394 Sep 11, 2011 5:06 pm
Re: Alternatives to the Everdrive for the Megadrive? (12 replies, posted in Sega)
Deflemask and VGM Music Maker!
395 Sep 10, 2011 2:17 pm
Re: Lars Nielsen (seriously you guys, he's awesome) (3 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)
This is awesome!
396 Sep 8, 2011 8:04 pm
Re: Piggy Tracker Thread (798 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)
I saw those and really loved tose buttons! But those would work even if the Piggy is booted from the start (without selecting it at the menu)?
But I was kinda intrigued by that MIDI isntruments. Are they like when I do MIDI music on my computer? I would like to use those cheesy instruments hehehe.
Anyway, opendingux looks better than the one that's standard now.
397 Sep 8, 2011 7:01 pm
Re: Piggy Tracker Thread (798 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)
Subway Sonicbeat wrote:- Add MIDI instruments to the rootfs
What this I don't even. But I like the sound of it.So the ALSA supports MIDI? Am I wrong? If so, is the way to go with the Dingoo!
As far as I read, some emulators are not running there yet, but if Piggy runs with it I don't give a damn cause I use two sepparate SD cards (one with games, one with the piggy).
This looks like a beast to me.man, really... forget midi for dingoo.
A man can dream of beign cheap.
398 Sep 8, 2011 6:54 pm
Re: Piggy Tracker Thread (798 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)
- Add MIDI instruments to the rootfs
What this I don't even. But I like the sound of it.
So the ALSA supports MIDI? Am I wrong? If so, is the way to go with the Dingoo!
As far as I read, some emulators are not running there yet, but if Piggy runs with it I don't give a damn cause I use two sepparate SD cards (one with games, one with the piggy).
This looks like a beast to me.
399 Sep 8, 2011 6:45 pm
Re: XL records free sampler vinyl - RUN! (3 replies, posted in General Discussion)
OH FUCK! Can't send an email now.
400 Sep 6, 2011 10:00 pm
Re: I'm looking for an specific sound of keys (12 replies, posted in General Discussion)
yeah, I was doing some sort of delay using my guitar amplifier. Did some nice distorted drum kits too. I tried my new waveform and is sounding good, not the way I wanted tough.
And I kinda saw the chorus effect rolling in an xm I got of hunz, multilayered sounds going in some kind of reverb. But I have 8 not 32 channels hehehehe gonna see what I can do.
And while you're here, professor, there is some track at hexawe that I can see some chorus going wild? All I can do is some dope delay.