I think it's always about something. I have songs written for streets of my city, to people I know, things that happened. But sometimes is about things I wished that happens in the future.
But they are never interconnected, at least not in ideas. Gonna work on that in the future.
I got his when my Dingoo was plugged on the USB. So maybe you're using it not with batteries? Sounds like there is something connected to the energy that is doing the hiss.
Now I'm totally interested in Hunz sound, but I will only be able to listen to the modules when I get home. I'm really interested in recording and sampling vocal into the songs I write, this will be a great lesson to me.
one of the cool things you'll find when poking at the modules is that the vocal samples are recorded pretty dry, but are given depth through channel echos and other tracker effects.
Yeah, I saw those modules. Really impressive the quality of the samples! It really amused me, but I'm not very fond of xm and 32 channels. I did something like that with LGPT.