(8 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)

The original wasn't on the wii, it was on PS first iirc... but it was the better version by most accounts. I don't blame them as such, but I would much prefer to watch/play a game that is so stylistically awesome on a big screen TV rather than a handheld.


(8 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)

I had never seen this clip.
Okami is the BEST can't wait for Okamiden on DS. (The merch packs available in Japan for it are/were awesome) wish it was on wii though sad


(58 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Or you could maybe do some of your older stuff like Creating Space that doesn't have lyrics, but it's not Tom enough.
You could potentially change the lyrics to something you already have.
I dunno, I don't think that there is anyway that Australia's would get to see a REAL 10K performance on their show. I don't think any live performance on that show that you could do would compare to the real thing


(55 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I have this

From the first "REAL LYF" demo. (Yes that's a screen cap but I keep forgetting to take a photo of it)

And the duck.

Oh wait, excuse me, I have the original objects that the demo is based on. wink

My memorobilia wins


(58 replies, posted in General Discussion)

10K Isn't the show g-rated? Do you even have anything G-rated?

The best bit about this for me is, does the "is not Trent Reznor" comment mean that that this moron realised that Trent Reznor has been using chip samples? Um... LOL?

IAYD - obviously using playing chip to jump on the bandwagon and be like Trent Reznor.

Toy Death I've seen before. They're really fun to watch


(66 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I don't know about you, but there's lots of things that I like that I don't actively participate in the community for (specific movies, or books or other types of music).

I think judging by the turn out we have for shows, in Oz that silent majority is even higher, I mean if we can get 90% of the people attending a show be people we have no idea who they are (or at least, who we know aren't "actively" participating in the scene) then I reckon there's probably heaps of people out there that like chip enough to listen to it, but not necessarily enough to hang out online and talk about it.


(55 replies, posted in General Discussion)

We have the real Derris-Kharlan frequently sleeping in the spare room... I don't know if that's really Memorabilia though.
We do have copies of all of the Soundbytes posters, I think eventually I'd like to frame them up. Ilkke did such an amazing job


(165 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Ok, so you may not know it from this thread so far, but we have locals here too...

Scarface uses the word for approximately 1.32 times per minutes....
In 10k's songs, it's probably slightly more frequent smile


(165 replies, posted in General Discussion)

or else....


(165 replies, posted in General Discussion)

By their powers combined...!

On Tuesday? sad Give us lots of notice for a weekend show when one happens. Would actually like to come up for a show and check out some of the "new" talent


(165 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Come on, this is a BONUS from playing Australia. Doesn't everyone want to be a meme? tongue

Also, Roo Shifter = inspired.


(37 replies, posted in Trading Post)

For what its worth, we had people requesting them at Soundbytes smile
(They also thought that Derris-Kharlan instigated them and I had to explain why it was difficult for us to "stock" them)


(165 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Yeah its beyond my skills too, otherwise I'd give it a go.