(39 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

You should use the one I am selling..... wink

bump for transferer II

pming you

Not sure if I should put this in the circuit bending section or here. Anyone near Columbus Indiana want a yamaha d65 with the leslie removed? I can help load. Also I know a church getting rid of a solid state hammond j143 for free if anyone wants it for free also. It's not a tonewheel organ so I am not interested in it.

all of my cassette decks crapped the bed and yet I still can't wait to get this cassette


(38 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

Cuddle Television wrote:

out of question, I'm running LSDj on my psp, is the keyboard and MIDI capability still functional? Could I plug a keyboard into my psp and jam away?

Why not try piggy out?


(8 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

kaossilator guitar work for you? http://www.instructables.com/id/Make-a- … or-Guitar/

Timbob wrote:

Well, at least you've got his address. That's something.

Find a tupperware bowl you can't see through. Poop in it. Seal the lid and mail it. Make sure to use a different return address than your own. In 2-4 days smile as you know he just opened a bowl of old poop.

Don't actually do that, it was meant to hopefully make you laugh and feel a bit better.


(38 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

XyNo wrote:

Avoid to downgrade it to 1.5...Totally useless nowadays !!!
Go update your firmware to original 6.20, Get Pro-C put the folders in your psp (psp/game), run it and after this install the perma-patch !
Et voila !!!

I think this needs a sticky/walkthrough on piggy subforum. I was going to sell my PSP till I saw this. Thanks xyno


(68 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I think it'd be fun for me, but awesome for my 5 year old to play with. I wish you wanted trades.


(68 replies, posted in Trading Post)

why must I be broke, that airfx looks awesome

Kitsch do you have an estimate on when the lsdj keyboard ps/2 jacks will be for sell?


(21 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

bryface wrote:

the SP seems to have a LOT of background noise though.  can anyone else confirm or deny this? any strategies for to mitigate this besides the ridiculously difficult prosounding process?

The Sp does have more noise. I couldn't find a good audio comparison with the DMG, but kitsch has a pretty good example here http://store.kitsch-bent.com/product/pissbox

Scroll down and compare the audio of the CGB and GBA SP. Also for a better run down see Another Castle's post above, it has every GB with audio

That's actually what I expect from the internet anymore, but I do appreciate the clean up. It's refreshing to get help.

e.s.c. wrote:

since nitro missed the part of my post that was to the original question when he removed the nonsense

e.s.c. wrote:

i recommend anything/everything off unicorn dream attack's "love bits", awkward terrible's "i feel sick", pretty much anything ever done by minusbaby... sadly most of my tastes wouldnt be appropriate for most 5 year olds (unless they also like slayer, ministry, mindflayer, etc  wink )

oh, also kids might like kodek, right? "offline synthwave" is pretty good

Feel free to pm me with what you said. I have to admit I was reluctant to do this, as I figure some would consider it insulting and/or lazy on my part. It is laziness on my part.

I really appreciate this.


(2 replies, posted in Releases)

And BAM! Just what I needed. You sir are my hero