ui wrote:

any reason!???

Suckage? tongue


(5 replies, posted in General Discussion)

zombipnok: N00B!


(21 replies, posted in Collaborations)

CMDR wrote:

Oh wait, those made up terms?

They all are big_smile And not genres IMO wink

Sometimes there's a genre too much. You can tell, when people don't notice the difference between them wink


(211 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Nobody taught them the rules xD

How can they celebrate such a pathetically-played match?
The goal only happened because the brit goalie has butterfigers!


(21 replies, posted in Collaborations)

I love all these made up terms smile

.NET install freezed my computer. I think it fucked up my system. GREAT

Sounds powerful, shame about me now having to install the .net framework tongue


(211 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Decktonic wrote:

I think the US national team played their best ever.

Is that the best ever?
Then I am afraid they will not progress much.
The defense is disastrous and the goalie didn't do the butterfingers goal before the british one just because of pure chance. He's very bad.

Are you carding your way to Tokyo? yikes


(211 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Decktonic wrote:

We're the number 1 team in CONCACAF, which is all of N. America, Central America and the Caribbean. That means we're currently ranked higher than Mexico smile

And that is what sort of accolade?
Haha sorry big_smile
I hope you win today though, anything against England

The sheet is not professional.
Spandex is cheap and can be put in place with a bunch of strings.
Stop being hippies xD


(211 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Decktonic wrote:
akira^8GB wrote:

Argentina just won a mediocre match. I wish they would stop licking Messi's balls so hard.

It's how they play... safe... don't let the other team get the ball, don't let anyone get injured. It's just boring to watch and it doesn't work against the good teams.

There was a time when a match where Argentina played meant you were going to watch beautiful fútbol. It hasn't happened again since 1990 or so. It's fucking sad.


(211 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Argentina just won a mediocre match. I wish they would stop licking Messi's balls so hard.

Fighter X wrote:

Awesome/amazing/extraordinary so far!

So far? How could it possibly stop being any of that? o_O

You have to use spandex material.
Build a foldable frame to set it at, then the spandex material will never be wrinkly.
Make sure to get the special fabric that reflects the projection properly.

I can get this for you if you want, I have built many projection screens of varied shapes and sizes. We have a provider down here which is pretty cheap. You might want to make your frame up there though.


(16 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Get a Mackie. No question.
NOT a clone. Just Mackie.
If you are on a tight budget, get one of those Behringers that copy a Mackie tongue