
(7 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

*E wrote:

Thanks Akira.  I'll check out the wiki, it may be what I'm looking for.

No, the wiki explains how to get your savefiles in and out of the cart.
But for that your device must already be working. Your device is not working because you don't have a proper parallel port/OS combination.

Get an old PC with Windows 98 on it.


(91 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Had this before I went on tour and stupidly sold it. Now I miss it


(7 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

*E wrote:
nitro2k01 wrote:

All of the old LPT port Gameboy cartridge devices require direct access to the LPT which USB-LPT adapters typically can't provide. I don't think I recall I've heard a USB-LPT adapter success story, ever.

Hmm, thanks for the response.  Unfortunately I don't own any computers with parallel ports and USB to parallel won't work.

Sorry, then you can't get it to work.
I am having problems even using it with a modern computer that has a parallel port and runs XP.

No parallel port, no e-merger.

Keep in mind that I've had an e-merger for at least 10 years, back then it was pretty plug-n-play (if it wasn't or the retarded software, but I wrote a guide on how to circumvent that which is on the LSDJ Wiki)


(8 replies, posted in Releases)

Super guachín y la puta que te parió!
Bienvenido al foro vieja wink
Ya lo había escuchado ese.

Es gracioso como mas o menos hiciste lo mismo que yo en el canal de pulso cuando hice Piolaboy xD. Creo que es la típica para ese aparato maldito + cumbia. PEro también limita bastante. Por eso nunca más prob', porque el Game Boy me aburre mucho ya tongue

Después cuando está menos game boy-oso me cabe m's, especialmente el wobble.



(17 replies, posted in General Discussion)


I like him 2x now. He used a glitter.

DaPantz wrote:
Bit Shifter wrote:

Great bio, or GREATEST bio


akira^8GB wrote:

I lean toward the opposite end of the spectrum.

I'm shocked! tongue

Probably not as shocked as me after clicking on that myspace after reading that bio. tongue


(17 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I like Kodek.


(17 replies, posted in General Discussion)

RG wrote:

No actually he is done for real this time and Datarunner is the final dispyz release, period. Raverblood was written in '95 and was supposed to be released sometime before '00, Datarunner was the last dispyz tune written and will stay that way. Consider these two 7"s the bookends of the dispyz project.

The only reason for the post-end activity was to not go out on a soft-note. Fuck that shit, we're gonna do it proper. Hard drive crashes or not.

Yeah, well, what Akira said is that Dispyz will keep making music under another moniker so there's nothing to fear for fans of the man. At least that's what I understand from Akira's words.


(17 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Uhm, there was a time already where "dispyz was no more". This is at least the second I can remember. I can remember someone else "quitting"  a bunch of times, but I can't remember who.... big_smile
If you like his work, he will keep doing it, so there's nothing to worry.

Love Through Cannibalism wrote:

Se trata de intentar hacer algo en grupo, y si veo que un grupo de gente se está desviando de sus propios canones no me voy a quedar callado.

Si estamos tratando de hacer en grupo algo, por qué estás actuando tan individualmente, y quién dice que vos sabés los cánones del grupo? O sea, si en algún momento se definieron líderes "que nos llevarán por el buen camino", me lo perdí.
Si es tu movida, hacela como vos quieras, entonces, y todo bien.
No queda claro de que lado viene la mano.

Bit Shifter wrote:
Cream In All Moustache wrote:

Why choose Cream in all Moustache as a name? Because having a Moustache in 2010 is criminal... and when you eat Creamy things you put some all over your Moustache, and it looks Gay! I like it! That's the reason why I am the Cream in all Moustache.

Great bio, or GREATEST bio

I lean toward the opposite end of the spectrum.


(174 replies, posted in Past Events)

I thought that was the meet & greet only.

goto80 wrote:



Cannibalism, me parece más incoherente renegar de todas y cada una de las elecciones de los otros que no concuerdan con la tuya! wink Ya hiciste tu punto claro, no te gusta chipchip, mejor es proseguir con lo que es importante.

Micromusica se descartó porque debiera ser algo pegado a micromusic y me prece totalmente fuera de ética hacerlo sin el aval y permiso de micromusic.net

It looks like something wrong has happened with your JPG compression.


(3 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

I'll help. PM me.


(17 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Heosphoros: heart