neuroflip wrote:

Mi voto es para una pequeña variación de una propuesta existente: culturachip. Chipcultura me da la sensación de heredar un poco del término en inglés.

Es verdad neuro, chipcultura suena mal, culturachip es mucho más natural.
Luego propongo un par.


(91 replies, posted in General Discussion)

It's really hard given its low production number. I would gladly rent one if I could. But I heard these latency problems everywhere.

EBOT wrote:

Sabes algo del  micromusic future camp?

No mucho, como creador de un HQ tengo acceso a la info sobre el mismo pero no ha pasado nada.

Yo voto porque el sitio se llame "UISELACOME.COM" y listo


No seamos tan hinchapelotas con lo de "1 voto " etc., este thread debiera ser un brainstorming de lo que puede ser una super buen iniciativa, no limitemos las ideas, todas bienvenidas y mientas más mejor... Que no sea una dictadura.


(91 replies, posted in General Discussion)

e.s.c. wrote:

it seems like theres a little latency, but not much..

If you can notice it just doing visuals, it's definitely too much for a proper audiovisual set like mine. I already have issues with the tightest latency software utilities out there, but I liked the idea of not taking a computer for visuals (after all, I don't even reach out to teh notebook, I rather havce something with zero boot time and preconfigured for action from the beginning).

Maybe I will have to modify my mac to achieve this.

EBOT wrote:


Si nos confundimos solo una letra terminamos en . Ese podría ser uno de los problemas de este URL. También creo que deberíamos de cierta manera pedir permiso a Micromusic o convertirlo en una especie de sitio adosado a el, si escogemos ese nombre.

Chema64 wrote:

Analog tiene razón, a lo mejor una definición mas vaga sea conventiente para que contenga todo lo que no es música (incluyendo gráficos, demoscene, o circuit bending)

Tampoco hay que irse de tema, me parece que las definiciones son bien resumidas como para permitirse salirse un poco sin irse al carajo.
El que mucho abarca poco aprieta, y creo que siendo tan pocos en Letrinamérica, lo mejor que podemos hacer ahora es enfocar los esfuerzos en algo mucho más puntual. Por eso creo que tampoco un foro e snecesario. Yo no me veo posteando en un foro en español, ya posteo aquí y no me da gana de postear en ningún otro lado referente a chipmusic.

Creo que es mejor algo tipo repositorio de información y en cierta manera noticias, además de conexión entre usuarios, pero sin  el drama y la basura inútil de un foro (quizá algo como o

Claro, también había pensado weá.com, pero ahí sería chileno xD
Entonces tiene q ser .net, .org, etc... lo cual nos limita bastante.

Voy a pensarlo un rato, aunque en este momento tengo poco espacio de proceso para una tarea más, estoy con mil cosas tongue


(91 replies, posted in General Discussion)

e.s.c. wrote:

I need to test your Kaptivator. Where did you get one?
I am interested in knowing its latency. I was considering it for an A/V setup but I am afraid the triggering is not fast enough.

nitro2k01 wrote:

Akira: What's wrong with keeping old trade threads? And why is it more important to purge sales threads than any other threads? It's not like they're in the way of anything. On the contrary, keeping old sales threads saves the track record of each buyer and seller which might be interesting for future buyers/sellers.

Nobody is going to search thorough a person's threads to see their "track record", as far as I know, that's what the feedback thread is for.

If you purge you keep it fresh. You always have the latest 2 or 3 months worth of "trades" there. If the thread didn't receive any attention in 1 or 2 months (no user posts or < than a certain amount of views), it is pointless to keep it, the item(s) is/are probably traded, sold or bought already.
It will save space (doesn't matter) and also maybe help the search speed up (less shit to search through).

As to any other threads to purge, I don't see any parameter to safely purge automatically any other forum. They all possibly contain interesting info. But as I said, there's no interesting information in a thread about an item discarded of a year ago.

No me gusta ninguno que diga "chip"  o algo , es demasiado cliché.
Podríamos buscar algu un poquito más original.
Sino que sea totalmente obvio, como o algo así.

Yeah it impacts those threads. However, I happen to think the TRADE section could be improved by a simple auto-purge option that erases threads older than a certain amount of time without activity (let's say, 2 months).

I don't see any reason to store those messages and that way messages keep fresh. Having just one thread by user forever is a bit pointless.

Also, to be honest, I NEVER check the first post except when it was created. If it gets updated, I don't care about going back to the first page (Specially on collaboration threads)

Vamos para adelante muchachos! big_smile

In light of this thread: … wont-play/
I want to ask if it is possible for edition to be possible only for something like 30 minutes after someone has posted.

Otherwise retarded shit like what this kid has done can occur and end up in thread destroying.
I can go back to my first post and edit it, which is pretty intense. I could erase the content in all my posts if I wished so.

It can also be used to tergiverse arguments.


(7 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Ismpof wrote:

Game Boy-Port Link >> LSDJMC2 << Midi In-USB << PC

You plugged this wrong, you are supposed to connect the MIDI OUT of your interface to the LSDJ^MC2.
Also make sure you have selected your MIDI interface in the MIDI configuration, and set Ableton to SEND MIDI clock. The Live manual will help you do that. (You only say you enabled it for RECEIVING data, not sending)


(9 replies, posted in Past Events)

Oh damn, he didn't record it! sad

The funniest way to destroy a disk drive.


(15 replies, posted in General Discussion)

nonfinite wrote:

Thanks Dice!  Sadly neither of those will do what I need, I require some way of monitoring my other channels while recording just one, or perhaps two split between L and R at the same time.  I have about thirty minutes of material spread over 7 or 8 banks that needs to be done live, no other way about it.  I can't queue up/mess with/solo/mute patterns accurately without the other channels present to tell me when it's time to make essential changes.

Looks like my best option is to record it all at once and separate into different channels based on frequency range, then apply EQ and FX to those individually, but I'm not looking forward to it.

You could use LSDJ you know smile