So, hey, I have these two, and I am totally NOT going to use them. Ever again.

First up is a Yamaha PSS-130 squarewave synth keyboard. Little fella helped me make my first steps in music when I was like 8 years old. I have modified it with an RCA output, but that's as much as I found I could do with it (squarewave synths are not very bend-able, then again, I have little patience).

Second up is a Casio Rapman. This served to my sister as the Yamaha did to me. However she was always crap at anything but doing "Für Elise"  on it tongue It seems some mods are available for it, I haven't checked back since the time it said "it has no bends", since then I have seen modified Rapmans. the microphone input and voice modifier alone is a great tool. I remember running the output back to the input and then out again. This yielded massive distortion.

The catch: I am located in Argentina. Shipping could be a problem. Unless you can wait, and whenever someone travels to USA, I can send it with them.
The good: Offer me whatever you want for any of them. I just want them out of my parents' house. I accept trades for something cool. I also accept bottles of Inka Cola


(3 replies, posted in Trading Post)

As the title says, I want an Atari 130XE.
Located in USA please.
And I do not intend to pay a fortune. I don't care if the physical condition is all yellowed, your little brother wrote on it with a Sharpie and whatnot. It must have to fully work, though.


Saskrotch wrote:

i whipped a little something together

That IS the Kung Fu Master track o_O

I thought it was awesome, I meant nothing bad in my message!

Thread hijack succesful.



(7 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

Gijs you are amazing big_smile

dubmood wrote:

this is like the inbreed dutch remix of Fitts for fight.

Fucking LOL! Hahahaha!

Bit Shifter wrote:

Unfortunately that's not correct. By using a license that permits derivative works, you have already granted permission, to everyone in the world, to make new things out of your art. This is why it's important to consider the different licensing options carefully.

Yeah, licenses that permit derivative work are already allowing it as long as the resulting derivative work is released with the same license and credit to the original is given. Author permission would be necessary only if the license needs to be changed (ie to commercial)

That clears it up, thank your sister for the informed education!
It's also good to know this works with regular hydrogen peroxide. Saves some troubles (and hazards, apparently)

arfink wrote:

What?! 3% H2O2 is "F***ing dangerous?" I have got this on my hands before

Nope, the combination you dip the plastics in is dangerous.
It's been warned on every forum.
Now if you want to take responsibility for someone's problems, then be my guest wink
It's is common sense to apply extreme caution when dealing with chemical reactions.

I will have to chip in here.
You don't want that stuff reaching your clean hands, god forbid an eye. It will eat right through. Also, higher concentrations of hydrogen peroxide will not eat the plastic. That's what retrobright uses and there are no reports of plastic being eaten.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that this procedure is FUCKING DANGEROUS and you should pay attention.


(10 replies, posted in Audio Production)

Oh yeah, one OSC transposed an octave! I forgot that.

SKGB wrote:


What does this comment mean?


(10 replies, posted in Audio Production)

I'd use two OSCs, both with a triangle wave, one slightly detuned, then add unison to it. The arpeggiator will do the rest. Experiment with the filter, though. Oh, a low attack on the envelope.

At least this is what comes off the top of my head. I reserve the right to be completely wrong tongue


(39 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Bit Shifter wrote:

Actually the difference in cost between doing it yourself and dropping it off is so little that the time and hassle saved is totally worth it

Really? Because I could swear you are now trying to find a hard-to-find shirt that these fuckers have lost on your behalf.
tongue big_smile
The reason why I do my own laundry is: I don't want them fuckers to lose my shirts. They did. And they usually lose your FAVOURITE ONES. It's a conspiracy, I tell ya. They all have to go to some shop that auctions them on eBay for gold.