657 Mar 17, 2012 9:55 am
Re: [US, ATX] [03/16/12] TCTD In-Store at Game Over Video Games (21 replies, posted in Past Events)
658 Mar 17, 2012 1:32 am
Re: Post your gig/home setup! (1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Akira, can one of the Amiga follow a clock signal from the other or is it only the start/stop signals?
No clock. A real stupid move if you ask me. PT can accept start and stop and also MIDI notes for laying down notes and some commands (like changing instruments), but no clock. I assume, probably wrong, that if both are set at the same BPM, they should remain in sync. But I know life is not that easy
I need to try other version that might have this. OR make my own (impossible).
Also going to investigate this power supply modification.
You can connect any ATX power supply really easily. This is just like ATX too. My 600 has it only because I had two of them lying around.
If your usual power brick works well, no need to change.
659 Mar 17, 2012 1:16 am
Re: Blip Australia feature segment on ABC TV's GoodGame (33 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Also, bagsy "DJ Mixmaster Flashdrive"
I got to use this name, damn.
660 Mar 17, 2012 1:11 am
Re: Blip 2012 Wishlist: THE FANFICTION TO END ALL FANFICTIONS (195 replies, posted in General Discussion)
661 Mar 16, 2012 3:02 pm
Re: FM Synthesis video tutorials (80 replies, posted in Tutorials, Mods & How-To's)
662 Mar 16, 2012 2:47 pm
Re: Post your gig/home setup! (1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Amiga specs or GTFO!
Also curious about the midiamiga.
Alright alright! XD
I actually have two MIDI interfaces, one on each Amiga, but the A1200's one is below the A600 so you can't see it.
While using Protracker, I can start both machines at the same time (transport control sent from one to the other). Can do 8 channel Protracker MODs like that.
With Octamed, I can do more, like sequencing mGB, but I haven't tried it (hate Octamed ).
2MB Chip RAM
Stock 68000 @7.whatever Mhz
256MB Compactflash-IDE solid state hard drive inside
PCMCIA Multicard reader, with a 256MB SD card
Internal picoPSU mod (mini ITX power supply)
Trilogic MIDI2 interface (1x in, 1x through, 3x switchable through/out)
Techno Sound Turbo sampler
Running Protracker 2.3d
2MB Chip RAM + 64MB Fast RAM
68030 @ 50Mhz + 68882 FPU @ 50Mhz
2GB Compactflash-IDE solid state hard drive inside
PCMCIA Multicard reader, with a 1GB SD card
Internal picoPSU mod (mini ITX power supply)
ScanMagic DCE scandoubler + flickerfixer (to connect to modern displays)
Microdeal AMAS2 sampler + MIDI interface (1 in, 1 thru, 1 out)
Running Protracker 2.3d (mainly)
The monitor is a run of the mill, cheap chinese LCD display that takes two composite signals, connected to both Amigas.
The audio goes to my TRAKTOR AUDIO 6 interface for recording + magic.
Happy now?
663 Mar 16, 2012 2:39 pm
Re: FM Synthesis video tutorials (80 replies, posted in Tutorials, Mods & How-To's)
Nice one! Thank you David!
664 Mar 16, 2012 9:07 am
Re: [US] NEW YORK NY • 2012 05 25-27 • BLIP FESTIVAL NYC 2012 (360 replies, posted in Past Events)
ughhh i have the money to go, but i have nowhere to stay
Then you actually don't have the money to go...
666 Mar 15, 2012 11:12 pm
Re: Just got my Gameboy :D (40 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Hello, I just finished dinner.
667 Mar 15, 2012 11:11 pm
Re: NeoGeo X handheld console to be released (10 replies, posted in General Discussion)
akira^8GB wrote:.... and it's priced ridiculously.
Neo Geo stuff usually is. The carts alone were outrageously priced, not to mention the console itself. Maddening, since they have the coolest games!
This is not "neo geo stuff", this is a shitty product by Blaze and only has the Neo Geo brand and the games. This is not a Neo Geo.
Hence, the price is outrageous.
668 Mar 15, 2012 7:46 pm
Re: nes powerpack/mssiah64/2 (black screened) c64s/ brkn dmg (8 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Did you read my message about MSSIAH?
669 Mar 15, 2012 5:26 pm
Re: NeoGeo X handheld console to be released (10 replies, posted in General Discussion)
When did the Neo Geo have "two joysticks"?
670 Mar 15, 2012 5:03 pm
Re: Just got my Gameboy :D (40 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I remember when I got my Gameboy, I was but a child and it was Christmas Day. I had awoken early from my slumber that morning to find the sun had not yet risen and all were still asleep. I would have to wait a few more hours before the taking of gifts was official, but a quick peek downstairs wouldn't hurt.
We did things differently at out house. Instead of just the normal batch of presents under the tree, our parents would leave unwrapped gifts in separate stashes near the tree. With our filled stockings next to each stash to identify who got what, I slowly crept to the darkened living room to find mine. The tree was off for the night and I had to be quite as not to wake mom and dad, so seeing the names embroidered on the stockings would prove difficult.
I eventually saw three big piles of various toys and what not, but where was the fourth? Where was mine? In the darkest corner of the room, sitting on a chair, was a stocking. I looked carefully at it and determined that it was indeed mine. But where the gifts? A single small and soft package lay on the chair.My heart sank.
I went back upstairs and into bed, devastated. I had asked for a GB, why was I getting a package that probably contained socks? Tears rolled down my face, as I tried to fall back asleep.
A few hours later, I heard noises from downstairs and figure the folks must be up now So I clopped down to the living sadly accepting my fate of socks. Mom was sitting on the couch sipping some cocoa and greeted me with a "Merry Christmas!" and a cheery smile.
'Merry Christmas" I mumble and walked over to chair that held my bitter reward. As I sat down and lifted the package, I noticed a familiar red marking on the top of the package and turned around it read it."NINTENDO"
My eye almost burst from my head. I saw a strap attached to it and a zipper running along three side of the package. It wasn't a pack of socks, but a case! I slowly unzipped it and lift the top and saw a Gameboy nestled in the middle of the case.
Better post this before the thread is closed.
671 Mar 15, 2012 5:02 pm
Re: NeoGeo X handheld console to be released (10 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I bet that too, Pulselooper.
All the games on that list can be played by my Caanoo very well.
but if this is hackable at any form and can run homebrew and has some sort of decent emulation or even real FM chip in it, it could be worth an effort. but at a cheaper price
672 Mar 15, 2012 4:00 pm
Topic: NeoGeo X handheld console to be released (10 replies, posted in General Discussion) med/092838
Looks like an iPhone 4 and it's priced ridiculously. But maybe some hackdom can occur.