Hello guys,
A friend sent me over a phat PS2 that he was going to throw away.
The thing had no modch1p in it so I decided to softmod it. I installed the latest version of FreeMcBoot which allows the system to run ESR patched copies and games off a hard drive (if you have a network module and hard drive), run homebrew etc.

I been playing around with it trying to put emulators in it but it seems most emus are outdated so they don't run off the USB storage so you would have to burn them to discs, something I do not want to do since I have my Dreamcast for that. I also did not load any ISO from USB because the loaders seem to work with internal HDDs or the ones that load off USB require you to make a game collection with some software on the PC or some such shit.
This means I am bored to shit with the machine and I want it to go to someone that would appreciate it. I already spent a considerable amount of time and some money to softmod it.

The machine has a pile of original games, about 15, among which we can find a ton of those "arcade classics" collections, Silpheed, Prince of Persia and others. It has a couple of PSX games too. Also the game I used to hack it with along with the hacked copy you need to exploit the machine (case the hacked memory card goes faulty, you lose it or accidentaly erase it)
Comes with a DualShock controller, A/V cable, power cable, a Madcatz DVD player module with remote and the FreeMcBoot-hacked Memorycard that I prepared (an original Sony 8MB model). All you need is a little USB flash drive that contains the files FreeMCBoot needs to start up (the USB stick must be connected at all times, specially at boot). I will send you these files by email.
I guess t his would be a great machine to try Pikilipita's PS24VJ with.
The unit is PAL and runs off 220V.
I'd preffer to ship it within the UK or, I would preffer, local pickup in LONDON (SE11).
Price is 20GBP + Shipping but feel free to make an offer.