113 Sep 1, 2013 6:23 pm
Re: Superbyte 2013 - 13-14 Sept, 2013 - Manchester, UK (50 replies, posted in Past Events)
114 Aug 29, 2013 9:37 pm
Re: Superbyte 2013 - 13-14 Sept, 2013 - Manchester, UK (50 replies, posted in Past Events)
8GB isnt on the list?
I'm playing the afterparty! On Friday right after the Gooch.
115 Aug 27, 2013 10:38 pm
Re: Superbyte 2013 - 13-14 Sept, 2013 - Manchester, UK (50 replies, posted in Past Events)
Not really sure people realize how epic this lineup is. Imma put it in bold right here:
When was even the last time you saw Eat Rabbit play? And Shirobon? Then you have Sabrepulse and Meneo and Gwem? And Anamana-fucking-guchi? And the list goes on?
Why is everybody not flying in to England for this?
116 Aug 23, 2013 6:25 pm
Re: Superbyte 2013 - 13-14 Sept, 2013 - Manchester, UK (50 replies, posted in Past Events)
117 Aug 23, 2013 6:22 pm
Re: anyone still playing DS/ Wii online? (10 replies, posted in General Discussion)
The DS won't connect to my WPA2 network so no online gaming, but I still use the Wii, man. Let me know!
118 Aug 21, 2013 9:10 pm
Re: SIDPAD - a SID synth for your ipad (23 replies, posted in Releases)
Kinda cool, but the 15 minutes limitation doesn't let one really try it as much as one could.
Also in-app purchases are evil, allow for people to buy it straight from the store!
keep up the good work.
119 Aug 19, 2013 4:46 pm
Re: titan - "overdrive" (demo) (20 replies, posted in Sega)
Enormous soundtrack. Good job Strobe.
Shame this doesn't work on NTSC systems.
120 Aug 13, 2013 9:22 am
Re: Sega SPEECH synthesis CSM Sounds (29 replies, posted in Sega)
Just noticed you posted the ROM. Thanks! I'll give it a play this weekend and hopefully sample some fear-inducing sounds
121 Aug 13, 2013 9:15 am
Re: The J. Arthur Keenes Band - Mighty Social Lion (17 replies, posted in Releases)
Well I tried to find you on Twitter or Facebook to no avail to contact you, so I am forced to comment here in hopes you read it.
What a fantastic release. You truly are one of the most talented, best things this scene has spun off. Never stop making your music. Love each and every one of the things you release.
That's all, I'm out again
122 Aug 9, 2013 7:00 pm
Re: C64 SFX Sound Expander programming OPL 2 (21 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)
How did you get to the conclusion that there is no percussion mode? (I don't know, hence why I am asking!)
I read it on the chip description in Hally's YM chips list, or maybe also Wikipedia. Also the creator of the AdLib player said so and, so far, that guy is the only person I know that has messed about properly with this chip on the C64 so I believe his words.
So unless you upgrade to OPL2 I don't think percussion mode will work. I can get your cart updated if you want! But please send me a message to my email, because I never check this website. ************
123 Aug 9, 2013 6:57 pm
Re: Defmon Stolen/Cracked (32 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)
Not actually stolen, and good luck to anyone without docs
124 Jun 20, 2013 10:26 pm
Re: C64 SFX Sound Expander programming OPL 2 (21 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)
Talking to myself here, sorry
I did this test and while in the emulator the result is a smooth sweep of frequencies, in my machine, with both soundchips, it's skippy/garbly. I got to assume something is wrong with the device and not the soundchips, but I have no idea what.
When I try the DRO player I will know better, I guess. There might be a problem in my code and/or VICE emulation might not be exactly accurate (and the real device might be more delicate/flaky)
125 Jun 20, 2013 9:40 pm
Re: C64 SFX Sound Expander programming OPL 2 (21 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)
So here is the little BASIC program I just did to test the unit slightly.
It's very simple: it pokes the Address port, which selects the register we're going to affect, and then it pokes the Data port, giving it a value for said register. It's really so simple that even I could figure it out
All data has been taken from this document:
Which explains how to make a note play if you scroll down. I just replaced that with a FOR sentence that does a little upward sweep.
I will expand on this to make it so I can test every voice with every waveform, but for tonight's experimentation it's more than enough and this is type-able enough for a quick test.
126 Jun 20, 2013 8:42 pm
Re: C64 SFX Sound Expander programming OPL 2 (21 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)
Although that's not ideal, it sounds pretty sweet indeed. One would just need to figure out a way to compose both matching tempos and whatnot.. Would love to have a play with such a thing if you ever make it, and if you ever need the real hardware, I can lend it to you for dev purposes for sure
The biggest chllenge for modifying SIDWizard would be the UI, I think.
I just upgraded my SFX with an OPL2 chip and will try to create some sort of BASIC program that lets me access it. I don't feel pretty confident that I will succeed as I have no idea of what I am doing But if I make it beep I should be happy.
Confirmed: YM3526 does NOT have percussion mode.
127 Jun 19, 2013 3:11 pm
Re: C64 SFX Sound Expander programming OPL 2 (21 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)
Two things:
One: YM3526 might not have percussion mode from what I read
Two: can we have the source to your BASIC software to make a noise with the SFX cart? I need to test my cartridge and I ccan't really figure out how to make t in BASIC. How did you do the delay of 12 cycles that needs to happen before you send data to the YM register?
128 Jun 16, 2013 3:39 pm
Re: C64 Pot Controller - New Circuit (41 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)
Thanks for posting the schematic! The perfectionist side of me was considering re-doing my pots InactiveX style, but I'm too lazy, and now you say it's not worth it. I don't think I'll use the pots much anyway. Expect I'll spend most of my time checking out SID Wizard once I get my uIEC/SD connected internally.
One of the pots still had tapering and even though the other one seemed to be working fine, it was still imprecise to get to a sweet spot for the range. Personally, I didn't think it was that necessary specially if you have MSSIAH and can connect a proper MIDI controller to it. Then you don't have to deal with finicky, flickery C64 pots. I mean, the computer looks bad ass, and it's convenient to have them in-built without depending on an external control surface, but although having them go full range by mid-turn of a pot is annoying, building this circuit was a lot more effort for me and the end result was only marginally better. I still got to try using diffrently rated potentiometers. Haven't been able to bag a C64 I can restore and sell.
Wouldn't cutting X and Y disconnect the pots as effectively as cutting GND or 5V? What could go wrong if you leave the pots powered but with their data output disconnected like nitro said?
As I said I know nothing about electronics, but I am also quite cautious when dealing with it. The potentiometers connect to the SID and you don't want to screw up your SID.
So if you disable the data lines and connect a mouse, you are still giving voltage to the mouse AND the pots. Although no data is sent, I rather NOT have two devices plugged in to one port's voltage bits at the same time as the ports were not designed for that.
What I say may not make any sense if you know electronics, but I rather be safe. The effect is the same after all.
The main difference I see here is that if you cut the data lines instead of the power, you may be able to switch it on or off while the machine is on, while my switch is only to be operated with the machine off to be totally safe. My switch is also easier, less cables to mess with.
Hm. Why, what else did he do that seems silly?
Well the silliest thing he has done is the case shrinking mod but for example his "noise reduction" mod just doesn't work. Doing it properly requires a lot more work. If you are interested in a full bad-ass noise reduction mod, check out Vandalism News #58's Hardware Corner section where Lemming explains a proper one, but it's not for the faint of heart. I didn't dare make it: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=102732