Anonymous wrote:

I'm just going to stick this in here: … he-gameboy

TV Death Squad - pew pew pew 00:35
TV Death Squad
TV Death Squad
TV Death Squad



(21 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Fuck, I TOTALLY missed that field xD Thanks man!


(21 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

By the way, the goomba patched version still creates corrupted sav files. At least in my case.
It would be awesome to run this hmm


(93 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I am not totally sure I get exactly how this works... Is this a change of the classic "Nintendo"  startup logo?
If so, I want to change mine tongue


(21 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

The problem with SOASC is you can't filter by module type. Finding only the AHX stuff is daunting.
I like the Mortimer Twang stuff myself, as well.


(21 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

So if it is possible to hex edit the file to reach the SAV, I am all into it. Anybody has a clue which offset of bytes is where the save file is?


(21 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Hmmm but does the software load the SAV that I put with the same name of the ROM when I make the list?
This is crap, LameboyDS sounds like whit with LSDJ and I need something to use on my DS sad


(21 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Hey guys!

IS there anybody in here using the Goomba emulator and LSDJ? I just cannot seem to get it to work.
How does one go about putting your SAV file into the emulator so it loads my songs? Teh frontend doesn't seem to do it. Is it impossible?

I loaded two LSDJ copies into it an it started up with a corrupt memory instead of a blank one. Is Goomba incompatible with LSDJ? I kind of remember seeing it mentioned in the LSDJ mailing list as an emu that actually works well with LSDJ.

Any help apreciated, I need to see if I can use it as an alternative to one of my GBs.


(30 replies, posted in General Discussion)

calmdownkidder wrote:



(18 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)

MIDI out is overrated.
Now I got an idea for Pikix.... MMMMM


(18 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)

Sell your shitty GP2X and get a Caanoo tongue


(18 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)

It's pretty solid.
Caanoo has more memory and better clock speed. Also has more effects I think.
The interface has been generally enhanced too. Pikix seemed too cryptic fro me, now you can get more feedback about what you do with teh touchscreen controls.

Also: blending modes.

PM sent

RG wrote:

Fourth, hey Akira, mind if I join you in killing myself for not being able to go?

he manages and funds the now-unstoppable DIY record label “Radiograffiti.”

No, you have fun.


(13 replies, posted in Releases)

Holy Konni wrote:

Tom is sending me da album because we're so close mates. Yeah we are really tight.

Uhm, we can all download it from DHR tongue

The partial lineup is fresh and interesting. Amazing return to Eyebeam.
I should commit suicide for not being able to attend.