(54 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Saturn cutscenes always rocked my shit.
I still think they do.

No one will understand this like I do.
I can already see the plethora of non-responses.


(119 replies, posted in Past Events)

Natty wrote:

As much as I loved many of the performances at Blip this year, I have to say that the performances at this show were some of the best of the week. I was absolutely blown away by the diversity of styles on display. Piggy Tracker and Hexawe should not be underestimated for the sheer creative breadth and talent of the people involved. Everyone's sound was totally fresh and different from everyone else's, and I plan on organizing another edition of this next year so we can continue to showcase the power of the Piggy. I just hope more people come so they can see it for themselves.

A whole year?!

fuck yeah expensive mammals

http://www.ipdb.org/files/311/Williams_ … amples.zip
I've been playing Black Knight 2000 like crazy lately, the music fucking rules and the voice samples still crack me up.


(39 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Gettin' stoked for the new HD Virtual Console.

posting in a thread where "dual Game Boy stomper" was used.


(175 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Jellica wrote:


I was going to say something about stolen music, but this picture is more interesting.


(175 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Subway Sonicbeat wrote:

So people who can, warn the artists and they can do whatever they want. I think this thread is already done.

it could be
I mean, I haven't even finished my beer, but if you're gonna kick me out-


(175 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Guys, there's a grander scheme afoot here.
I have persuaded many young ladys to steal your music to make profit. I glance at 8bc and choose what songs I know I can make a dollar on.
The performers make a 40% cut, I let them borrow my gear to seem as if they are the real thing.
There will be several incarnations to come, but the real question is, are you prepared?

yeah when Wet Mango covered that Doors song, the WFMU guys were saying it was some traditional German opera song.
Great Job


(119 replies, posted in Past Events)

The one thing I'm most disappointed to miss, knock em dead.

still brainstorming.
'gon be real hard.

nah man, put it in gameboy camera carts.

why would you not want him to make you hotdog art?
I'm buying this guy dinner some day. Scratch that, he's getting some hotdogs.

so what can't I say?