(4 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Has anybody tried running the EMS cartridge software in a virtual machine? Is there any reason why it just wouldn't work? I'm thinking of trying it out in VirtualBox on my Linux OS.

It is true that rubbing alcohol can cause crazing in plastics, but so can ordinary tap water, if you leave it soaking long enough. EDIT: looked closer at picture. This is a fracture. No solvent would do that.

Well, if you want to send me both, you may have the cards. wink I want!

You still have that thing? Dag yo. You haven't modded it at all, have you? I'm sorely tempted to have it back...

Trade stuff I want:
Anything Neo Geo (preferably MVS, but I'd go for Pocket stuff too)
Jamma arcade stuff
Vintage gaming stuff, unmodded.
I am not really interested in Gameboy stuff. Sorry guys. sad

For a Vectrex I'd give you all of it, no questions asked! And pay for all the shipping!

rygD: make your offer. I tried to get people to lowball me over on the vintage computer forums, and nobody would even try. If it's insulting I'll be sure to bluster and turn red in the face, and then probably talk you up a few more bucks. tongue

Concerning the mouse, it's the standard IIgs platinum rectangle.

Finally, the 4meg card is the one sold by Briel Computers, which you can check out here: http://www.brielcomputers.com/wordpress/?cat=22

It is, to my knowledge, only compatible with the IIgs. However, if you wanted a IIgs to go with the card, I think the cards are worth more than the rest of the IIgs. tongue Heck, if you bought both cards, I'd throw in the rest of the IIgs.

The keyboard has been spoken for. I may have a spare from a Mac laying around here somewhere...

I have an Apple IIgs that needs some love, cuz it ain't gettin' any from me. It's been carefully stored for several years now, and I realized that if I've never used it in 2 years that it's probably not going to get used again for a very long time. I don't absolutely have to get rid of it all, and I'm happy to take bits and pieces out if you just want parts of it.

Everything is clean and well cared for, and 100% functioning. Here is a list of the goodies I have:

2x Apple IIgs systems, with working PSUs. One is bone stock, and the other has goodies, as follows:

4mb RAM upgrade card, fully populated. This is currently installed in the machine.

1mb RAM card, fully populated. This was the standard issue card that most late-model IIgs machines shipped with. It is not installed right now.

MicroDrive IDE card, which is connected to a CompactFlash adapter. So basically, this IIgs has an SSD. Currently loaded with piles of games, and has partitions for GSOS and Prodos. Has copies of Proterm (surf the web dude!) and Apple Works installed as well.

2x each of 5.25" and 3.5" floppy drives, all working. Also, tons of software on floppy. All the discs are made from disk images found online, and were written recently. I can't promise they don't have any bit-rot or some such, but I suspect they all work. I also have sealed NOS packages of floppies in both sizes.

Original IIgs keyboard and mouse. This is the really nice original IIgs keyboard with Alps mechanical switches under each key. A great compact keyboard, and if nobody wants it, I'm probably gonna convert it to USB.

And of course, the original RGB monitor. No burn in, and doesn't seem to have any issues at all. I am willing to mail the monitor, but be aware that if you want to have me ship it, it's shipped at your own risk. I can pack it as well as humanly possible, but none of the major carriers are terribly careful these days, and even the best-packed CRT in the world isn't going to survive a USPS guy dropping it off the back of a truck, as seems to happen when they encounter heavy things. tongue

Finally, I have cables, manuals, and other goodies for those who are interested.

If you're local and you want it all, $150 and it's yours. Otherwise, feel free to offer. Pics to follow...


(34 replies, posted in General Discussion)

You should mod all of them. Except one. Keep one stock. Because, you know, if every gameboy is modded than there won't be any unmodded ones.

And FWIW, I know what you mean about getting dust and stuff in there with the screen. It can be a huge pain. That said, a little application of a microfiber cloth can work wonders.

I don't know quite exactly what you're on about here with cutting the frontlight. Are you talking about cutting the diffuser panel? Yes, it could be laser cut, and fairly easily at that, with a little bit of care. That is, once you know what the material will do.

Years ago, I was modding an MGB to add a backlight. There was no such thing as a backlight you could just buy from Nonfinite or Kitsch to drop into an MGB. There were a couple of very early ones for DMGs being sold, but they were far too thick. In fact, I don't know if Kitsch was even selling them that far back.

I had a busted iPod, and I gutted the LED backlight out, it was perfect for what I wanted, but too big. I covered it up with masking tape and cut through it with a razor knife. Just scrape and scrape and scrape. I used a metal ruler to keep it all straight. Scrape scrape scrape, until it was thin enough to just break along the seam with my fingers, like how you do when cutting glass. It was a beautiful break, and I found I could cut whatever I wanted this way.

With a laser, you would have to worry about heat warping. And you'd undoubtedly kill at least one frontlight while learning how to handle the material. If you only have one piece and it has to be done just right, use your hands and hand tools. All a laser does is give you the power to screw something up VERY fast before you know what's going wrong. tongue It can get it done fast and clean, but only after you know what you're doing.

Weeeeeelcome to the madnessssssss


(86 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)



(86 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Well, I just bought a green case from the shop... wink


(86 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Bit wish wrote:
MostlyToast wrote:

Do this to the green one and I will love you forever.

I will love you too

Sorry gents, I've already got a forever-love. Better luck next time. wink

But, I think if I can get another clear-green case I'll make one.

kitsch wrote:

hello cm.o

a secret heads up:  there are only TWO clear green cases and FOUR clear blue cases left

these colors aren't planned again, at best we'll do a similar shade


I am tempted...


(86 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

They're up! http://store.kitsch-bent.com/product/la … rts-arfink

The first batch of 6 cases is ready to buy. Two of the black cases have a little blow-out on the back, and are for sale for $30 each, and the other black, the white, and the green and blue ones are $50 each.

I never did get a shot of the backside of the blue one, BTW, so here is the design pre-engraving, so you can see what's on the back. If I had been given the option of keeping the blue one, it would have been my pick.