Thanks for the kind words. Again, if anyone desires a refund please let me know ASAP.

Also, would any of the beta members be horribly insulted if I decided to release the Munchausen cartridge information and software before everyone got their cartridges?

Hey guys. I give no excuses, my bad on this. sad I've been trying to piece my life back together after some tough shit been going down for me, and I let this one slip. If you want a refund you shall have it. I do not know when I will have these sent out. Maybe if I just tried to knock them out one at a time and send them out I could keep myself motivated and get it done. It just seems like when I try to work on them as a whole I get overwhelmed and run out of time, and it sits until the next time I get a chance to work on something.

If I can't have one for you at the end of the week I'll give you your money back Nick. If anybody else wants a refund you let me know.

HOWEVER- despite sounding extremely depressed in this post, I would love to make a few more of these. I'm just going to have to try not to over-reach and promise more than I can give, and just do it one piece of hardware at a time.


(45 replies, posted in Trading Post)

someonesomewhere wrote:

Hehe, please only serious orders.

Email me.

Knowing Keff he's probably very serious, and intends to put them on everything in his home. Nanoloop beer mugs? Check. Nanoloop flower pot? Check. Nanoloop desk lamp? Check. Nanoloop car? Hang on, I'm gonna need more stickers...

Yeah. Two words: cable failure. A number of them aren't passing tests now. Something is wrong, and I'm not sure when I'll be able to sit down and sort it all out. This week is going to be hell, and I'm also interviewing for another job on my day off. Gotta see how that goes, I'm very very sorry it's been taking this long. sad

Hrm, I might consider firing up me old blog... I'll have to see. As for PR8 carts, that will have to happen eventually I think. I just haven't done the needed work to get that going yet.

Sick soldering job! @Theta- if you want to get into hobby electronics one of those is a good tool to have. But get a good fine-tip adjustable soldering iron first, it's more useful. And with some care and a little solder wick you can do this without one.


(35 replies, posted in Releases)

Finally pounding some Decades at full volume *and* full bitrate. I basically never have the money to spend on music, so I never did anything but stream from your Bandcamp, and it's awesome to have it now for free. This cheapskate is very grateful!

Hrm, Famicom gear is very tempting. Really really tempting.


(35 replies, posted in Releases)



(23 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Rob is pretty cool, sadly underused though.


(3 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Me too! I'll FINALLY have it out of my room, yaaaaaaaay!


(3 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Yes. And it looks like you are in the right area. Caveat on my cords: you need to take the system and accessories that go with it. smile

PM me.

I was supposed to get one of these in a trade with someone on 8BC long ago. Sadly, he flaked, and I never got my stuff, even though he got mine.


(32 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Excellent. You better make good use of it, so I'll get jealous!


(32 replies, posted in Trading Post)

That looks like a fun toy. Wish I had more Linux chops, I'd love to play with it. It looks like it could be alot of fun.


(10 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

As for forcing a page one/page two selection with a switch, I believe that is possible. IIRC, the cartridge is just toggling the most significant bit of the flash chip to break one 64m chip into two 32m segments. Then there is a simple capacitor based switch circuit that waits to see if the power has been cycled fast enough to move into the second bank. This works by the assumption that C4 will drain all its power if the Gameboy is left off long enough. This design decision is a little bit problematic, in that to move to the second page all you have to do is cycle once, but to move back to the first you have to turn the gameboy off for the longer duration. This switching circuit could certainly be simplified into a toggle switch, since all it's doing is changing the line status of one address line on the flash chip.