Well, some good news and some bad news. The good news is, the software side of the project is finally coming together very nicely. The bad news is, I think one of the prototype cartridges has finally bit the dust. Seems all the hacking, modding, soldering, desoldering, and general abuse has finally taken its toll, and to continue the last leg of the journey to beta I'll have to make a new one. I should have that done by the end of today, with any luck. Thank you all for being so patient!

Release dates?

pixls wrote:
Apeshit wrote:

Are the painted cartridges going to be exclusive to the beta versions? Or are they all going to be painted?

Only the beta cartridges are going to be painted, unless arfink decides otherwise, but the greys will look plenty nice

Yes, the betas will be the only ones painted.


enso- want to coop on the art? I do vector, you do pixel art?

Locks and I have noticed that alot of people on Chipmusic.org are interested in video games. We also noticed that alot of the people who like video games are into first person shooters, and that alot of people here are also into stuff which is free.

Locks has agreed to host a server for playing a free first person shooter called Warsow. It's a cross platform PC game, and it's very very fast paced and has a cool minimal look and feel. Locks said he'd be willing to host a private Warsow server just for CMO members.

We just want to do this for some good times between chipmusic.org members who like games. If you're interested in joining the fun, head over to the chipmusic.org IRC and find me or locks, or post here. We haven't sorted all the details yet, like getting a dynDNS or whatever, but if there is enough interest this could be quite fun.

Still diggin' this album, and the first two tracks are so perfect together.

Feryl- welcome to the conservative opinion club! smile

Flopps wrote:

I see my label ;D

Well, though the numbers on them are not all visible, all 10 are there in the pic, so no matter what number you picked out you'll be lookin' at it.

Big picture update:

The cartridge case prep setup. I got chemicals and cases and all kinds of crazyness going on.

Another view. And yes, that's an old HDD shell used to hold screws.

A cleaned case, label removed, and ready for painting.

More chemicals, more carts. That Goo Gone works really well, but not quite as well as I'd like. I eventually tried a different method which worked better.

Here are some case backs, with blue masking tape to preserve the original gold warning label on the back during cleaning and painting.

Large piles of USB and NES controller cabling, waiting to get hacked.

The beta labels.

I set a beta label on top of my failed painted cart from before, so you can get an idea of the colors. The betas will probably not have gold after all, since it doesn't look so good. I don't have a picture of it, but the labels look much better on a plain white cart.

For those who would like to know how I managed getting the labels off, here is the method I settled on. It seems to do the least amount of damage to the plastic while removing the label in the easiest fashion possible.

I fill a glass baking dish with water, and place the cart shells inside to soak for a good long while. Then I come back, peel off as much wet label as possible, and soak again. That gets all the pesky laminate and paper off. Then, douse the carts with rubbing alcohol, which will dissolve the remaining layer of glue, and rub all the glue off while still wet. Reapply alcohol as needed to dissolve and remove all glue. You then need to rinse in water to remove all the alcohol. Avoid keeping the carts wet with alcohol too much, as it "crazes" the plastic.

The reason I did it this way is because the Goo Gone wasn't working well enough unless I used a ton of it, and I would wait as long as I would have to soaking in water. Plus, water is cheaper than Goo Gone. Also, soaking in rubbing alcohol is very effective, but also really destroys the plastic, so don't do it. smile


(11 replies, posted in Trading Post)

herr_prof wrote:
arfink wrote:

i would really love to see what's inside those things... that's the only reason I'd buy one, and not a very good one. XD

If its a newer one, its just a squeedo cart!

herr_prof wrote:

If its a newer one, its just a squeedo cart!

herr_prof wrote:

squeedo cart!

Those aren't supposed to exist yet! Regardless, I would want one even more, if that's the case.

tacticalbread wrote:

One of my favourite releases of this year.

you are obviously a very intelligent, attractive person and you will go far in life

And we have a very very fine set of custom-tailored clothes to sell you, which only the most intelligent of people can see.


(11 replies, posted in Trading Post)

i would really love to see what's inside those things... that's the only reason I'd buy one, and not a very good one. XD

That reddish star-glow thing looks like it's from Starfox. Is it from starfox?


(129 replies, posted in General Discussion)

locks wrote:

I'm a furry.

Yes, yes you are.

NeX wrote:

if you don't have a multimeter then i think the 10k SMD resistors are marked as 310 but don't quote me on that, you can harvist them from a lot of old broken boards, if like me you have that kinda stuff lying around

Yeah, you should harvest some SMD resistors if you can. It's fall, nearly harvesting season, so get in the spirit and go component harvesting soon. smile


(129 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I do not keep a cat because of strong cat allergies, however I generally am quite fond of them. Instead I cultivate potted pandas, as my avatar would suggest.