Must... download. Looking forward to this. big_smile

This in essence means I will soon be making a Famicom Munchausen prototype. Woot! \o/


Replacing the power supply may help. Talk to someone like Batsly Adams. He can steer you in the right direction.

As for this, I have considered that the RF adapter can induce a TON of noise into the works. There are also lots of old caps in there just waiting to fail/already failed. I'd still talk to Batsly, but eventually it would be very cool to be able to make a device which replaces the internal RF box entirely, adding a quiet DC-DC converter etc. Have you tried using a DC power adapter instead of the original AC? A new one?

Song title: Birthday Cake for the Pope
Lyrical concepts: Gregorian chant, in latin (EDIT: latin is optional. You may also use Hebrew, Greek, or Old English. Or at least some archaisms.)
style: Amen breaks


(24 replies, posted in Trading Post)

GaMEcat wrote:

interested in the commodore mouse.
i know you said you wouldnt ship but its teeny-tiny...   ;-)

PM me, I'm stealing all his Commodore stuff. smile

Three weeks at he earliest I would say. I don't even have all the parts ordered yet. That pic you see of the white cart is some paint test runs, I'll post another soon which will show the detailing on the back (preserving the original gold foil label that NES battery carts have) and also the gold detailing I'm going to put on the front. Hopefully soon I'll also have the beta labels, so I can put one case together and show what it'll look like from the exterior at least, even if the PCB's aren't finished yet.

Been experimenting with some paint, since the beta carts will be a special edition white color. big_smile


(52 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

nickmaynard wrote:
wedanced wrote:

maybe to prevent extra noise? my Expansion mod makes some nasty buzz and wine when it isnt in use. As soon as i load a nsf it clears up but during the menu screen its pretty nasty. when i unplug the wire the sound goes away... i dont know.

this hiss buzz is unbearable. is there any way to get rid of it?

i guess i might have to install a switch afterall, guh.

Double post I guess, but...
You may well be getting some ground loop feedback from the TV. There are ways to correct this, but they're pretty involved. I'd say, try it quick with another TV perhaps and see what happens. If the buzz goes away, you know it's the TV, if not then you know it's the NES.


(52 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

animalstyle wrote:

i actually installed a pot on mine instead of a resistor - after listening to enso's famicom, i realized how much the emulated sounds were at the wrong volume...  so i can just dial it in.  i'd rather trust my ear than some predetermined sheeot - different versions of famitracker were inaccurate too.

BTW, expansion volume levels actually vary from Famicom to Famicom depending on mobo revision and even how clean the cart contacts are. wink


(70 replies, posted in Releases)

Talk about an epic tease! XD Can't wait to hear more.

I'm probably as excited as you all are to see this new development. Good work Blargg!


(2 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

I have seen this before, it's pretty clever.


(62 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I for one applaud NeX for his hard work on this. It's quite stunning how much effort he's put into his work, and it's generally quite nice. Now, I understand there are some people disgruntled by the idea that NeX's work is being used/abused as a showcase for an upcoming Nonfinite project, but despite this I think his modding technique is pretty dang good.

I haz camera. So I will take some videos. smile Of antics. or something like that.

Nice stuff Kitsch, it looks pretty dang good to me! smile

Andrew Winzenburg wrote:
low-gain wrote:

Sure thing. any chance you'd be willing to take both and just give one to a friend?
i really need to get this stuff out of here quick. And i dont want to try to make sure things are complete... it's just a matter of.. "grab the entire box of that stuff" lol

i have things sorted into "dreamcast stuff... commodore stuff, playstation stuff.. etc. etc"

Haha, I have absolutely NO problem with that! Definitely willing to take two Dreamcasts off your hands.

Aw dang, I wanted a DC too. sad

OH, and I want the Commodore monitors too, if I can have 'em. And what the heck, as long as I'm at it I could take a C64 and some assorted crap off your hands. big_smile

EDIT: I know you want it all to go, so I'll take the C64 stuff, and the Game Gears.