SurfaceDragon wrote:

The video makes it looks very easy to use.

Are you going to try and put together a piece of software for the computer so that you don't have to put in text commands? Probably not, right? Because then you would have to make different versions of that software for different operating systems.

I have no problem with using a text based interface. Its just that I always have to make lots of sticky-notes for myself when I use text based interfaces. I can't always remember exact commands. And I think lots of people don't have any experience using text-based interfaces. I think most people are very intimidating by text based interface because they are so use-to a graphics based interface like Windows or Apple-OSX.

Can the cartridge hold more than one NES-ROM at a time? I don't expect it to but this would be a very cool feature.

It's all going into a C API, so doing a GUI wouldn't be too bad on any OS. Don't worry too much about the text interface, if you hate CLI you won't probably have to look at it. The beta of course is command line, since it's not done. Also, the software ought to work just fine on Windows, Linux, and Max OSX.

The cartridge will be able to load multiple NES ROMs, however right now our test code does one at a time.

There are a good deal more features too that I can tell you all about later, because they aren't all confirmed yet. smile

So i figured it was about time to make a demo video. This video shows the NTRQ ROM being uploaded and booted.


(15 replies, posted in Trading Post)

SurfaceDragon wrote:

Thanks, If I don't get the job I'm sure someone in my family will lend me $50 for this project.

Hey, if you can't pay, don't sweat it man! I'm sure something can be worked out if that's not possible. Anyway, this thread won't have too much more posted in it, since we're moving to PM and email for communications for the beta.


(15 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Sounds cool, I have reserved you a spot in the program as I promised.
EDIT: I should also say, congrats on the interview!


(15 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Alrighty, beta now officially closed! You lucky dogs you! It has also been determined that these beta carts will be special edition models, which means they will look amazing and you will be envied. White and gold, with numbered special edition beta labels.

herr_prof wrote:

snow dick

What is this I don't even


(25 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Wow, great! Who bought it?


(15 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Thanks very much guys! Unless more people suddenly show up and are interested, you'll be the beta crew! Stay tuned for updates in the next two weeks or so.

Jellica wrote:

this glichfucksoundmong always happens to me when the batteries die as well

This issue has more to do with problems in LSDJ and the way most Flash carts work. Flash carts draw far more power than regular NES carts. This high current draw can cause some very strange things to happen when your batteries suddenly drop below operating voltage. The onboard DC-DC converter doesn't just turn off properly as if you hit the power switch, but can output odd voltages for a short time. This puts some strain on the cartridge backup system, which is designed to switch to battery mode when power is removed, though it does not compensate well for "messy" power down situations. Also, while in use LSDJ is very frequently accessing SRAM in both read and write mode. If the system power were to fail mid-write this would of course cause corruption.

Now, some Flash carts seem to have more sensitive SRAMs than others. This is because some carts are not designed to compensate for the feedback received because the cartridge is essentially getting close to overdrawing the GB's DC-DC converter. In this case, keeping the onboard battery fresh will help to prevent so may issues.

EDIT: oh yeah, one other thing- try to avoid running your AA batteries into the ground. It's not good for the hardware, and not good for your song data.

Heosphoros wrote:
low-gain wrote:

will be nice not to march single file down the middle of the road in a snow storm. haha
then again.. nyc doesn't know the meaning of snow storm. lulz

Neither does MN wink

Silly Canadians! big_smile

Besides, MN is about as freeze-yer-butt-off cold as the US gets...

Battery issues, almost certainly. The only other way to get SRAM corruption is very dirty contacts in your Gameboy and cartridge, which can sometimes cause unexpected things with the SRAM. So, replace the battery and clean up the GB and cart contacts to avoid any undue capacitance or shorting or other random ocurrences.

Well, a couple of things:

Its a battery backup cart, and as such, if the battery goes dead you WILL loose you data or experience data corruption eventually. Hence the battery should be replaced regularly, at an interval of every year or so at least, considering how fast they drain when used with LSDJ. Secondly, with such a risk of data loss being sadly unavoidable, you should always ALWAYS make backup copies of everything. That having been said, there isn't too much that can be done once the SRAM is corrupted besides back up what's not been hosed up, and be more diligent in the future about making backups.


(25 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Sell it to Jose! LOL

Hey I think I'll call you tonight, I'd love to get in on the burning. (I have a burn permit)


(72 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Dude, did that guy just pull the plug?! HA!


(54 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)

Low-Gain: Yes indeed. You got a PM btw! Also, that little girl reminds me of my little sister Bella.

low-gain wrote:

... any opinions on the player 2  controller idea?

Sounds cool to me IMO.