The video makes it looks very easy to use.
...Are you going to try and put together a piece of software for the computer so that you don't have to put in text commands? Probably not, right? Because then you would have to make different versions of that software for different operating systems.
I have no problem with using a text based interface. Its just that I always have to make lots of sticky-notes for myself when I use text based interfaces. I can't always remember exact commands. And I think lots of people don't have any experience using text-based interfaces. I think most people are very intimidating by text based interface because they are so use-to a graphics based interface like Windows or Apple-OSX.
Can the cartridge hold more than one NES-ROM at a time? I don't expect it to but this would be a very cool feature.
It's all going into a C API, so doing a GUI wouldn't be too bad on any OS. Don't worry too much about the text interface, if you hate CLI you won't probably have to look at it. The beta of course is command line, since it's not done. Also, the software ought to work just fine on Windows, Linux, and Max OSX.
The cartridge will be able to load multiple NES ROMs, however right now our test code does one at a time.
There are a good deal more features too that I can tell you all about later, because they aren't all confirmed yet.