(17 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Yes, browser embedded anything is usually junk IMO. The way the internet is currently structured is inefficient enough as it is without adding an extra layer on top. Flash is the most wasteful of CPU and bandwidth resources of them all, Silverlight really only works with with Microsoft OSes (no surprises there), Java FX is Java (interpreted runtime? In a browser? No way!), and HTML 5 support is a long way off. I personally think HTML 5 has the most promise for embedded apps/games, but extending a deprecated markup language isn't my idea of an upgrade.


(40 replies, posted in Releases)

Well, Low-Gain, I do like dubstep.fm, but I also really like Nectarine Radio. Check them out here: http://www.scenemusic.eu/demovibes/

BTW, that's a very clever new avatar. smile

A pulse button would also be cool. Press it, all squares pulse up to white and back down quickly. You know, for ultimate downbeat seizure time! Hook up a turbo controller and the audience will do involuntary breakdancing on the floor! smile

This is a very neato release for something you just hacked together, it's pretty good. I was experimenting using this with music and the numbers are actually pretty cool to use, since you can run the 9-4 during a more smooth/flow portion of a song, switch out to something else, then if you have a heavy break down you can use the big count from 3-0 if it matches. Very very cool to use, especially mixed with some GlitchNES and GalleryNES or LogoNES.


(40 replies, posted in Releases)

Not completely on topic here at all, but your remix of "I Just Died in Your Arms" was more like "I Just $hat in My Pants" when I listened to it. Got more musics anywhere besides your soundcloud?


(40 replies, posted in Releases)

tsk, listen closer guys! It's in there, just not completely blatant.


(40 replies, posted in Releases)

Oh, sounds nice. I'm tempted to pick this up. I know it's not the most chip thing in the world, but you CAN in fact hear it in there, and for me chip sound is only one tool in any good electronic musicians toolbox. So, good work! Now to check my bank account and see if I can really spare the monies for the disc.

EDIT: oh snap, "Batteries not Included" is most exceptional. Care to share how long the actual tracks are? smile


(15 replies, posted in Releases)

Oh yeah, I found this a while ago now. It is indeed excellent, and I'm proud to be one of those 200 people who downloaded. It's a great album, well worth the time it takes to download it and listen.


(38 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I guess, having never visited, I can't say whether I'd miss New York. What's there that's awesome? Besides beer, because I cannot drink. And pizza, because I already know about it.


(49 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Hum, this sounds cool. I find it interesting/ironic that Themistocles was the first to submit. I wonder, how much of the music do you want to be procedural? Because, TBH, procedural accents in the music is actually cool as long as it's accompanied by actual composition. Think Planet Boelex, with his little clips, beeps, blups, and glitches that kinda run in the background and add texture. I'm pretty sure he does those procedurally, while the rest is obviously composed.

That's kinda cool, actually.

Nice stuff, it's purdy looking. Time to slap it on a cart and project it someplace large, like the side of my house. Soon as I can get hold of a new projector bulb. I'll take a video of it if I can get it working.

Wowzers, nice job Neil! I didn't notice any control response with your second one, or the first for that matter. Care to fill us in?


(44 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

True, not that I'd call jose a real genius except in the most sarcastic sense of the word. Would you consider sharing the pinouts etc.?


(44 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Well actually, given that he's just using the flash logic from a USB flash cartridge it's not quite as genius as you think, just stupidly hard to wire up. As NeX has admitted. Now if he coded the logic himself I'd eat my hat.


(44 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Nice. Just plain awesome. Looks like the kind of crazyness I'd probably attempt, though I've been doing mine with NES carts. Now what would be really neato would be to reverse engineer the camera to be used in a NES cart... or via serial port to something like the Apple IIgs. In fact, an ADB port-compatible digital B/W camera for IIgs would be pretty wild.


(1 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Oh, sounds interesting. You got pictures? Or manuals? Software for the card? As you probably are aware, I am a bit of a IIgs fanatic. And I have plenty of video game gear and can build custom Nes carts. I'd do an MMC1 multicart, GlitchNES cart, or NTRQ, or something of that sort for you perhaps as a trade if you wanted. But first, pics! smile