OH, i thought you meant they were actually ON the show. that would have been very entertaining - not that this wasn't. Also, is this program exclusively just hot bitches and random dudes going down a massive slip n slide? or is there like more to the show then this? i hope not.


(18 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

hopefully i wont ever have to but good to know, thanks smile


(4 replies, posted in Releases)

LOL that cover art is fantastic. i'll def give this a listen.

what if i already bought a cd, can i still get the bonus stuff? i mean the album is awesome and all but i don't wanna have to buy it again lol.

man wish this was on a weekend, tues are tough for me. id love to play, but im a good 2 hours away in south jersey and id have to see if i could get the time off from work.


(20 replies, posted in Releases)

this is some of the best lsdj stuff i've heard in a while.



(76 replies, posted in General Discussion)

HEY GUSY MAYBE WE CAN ALL START A "HANGOUT". haha i think google+  is pretty cool. but it will be even better if they ever implement an events type feature like Facebook that utilizes your google calendar.



(5 replies, posted in Collaborations)

J Arthur Keenes did em justice. i've heard him play a cover before, and needles to say it was well done.


(35 replies, posted in Sega)

great idea! a genesis drum pack would be awesome. The audacity method didnt seem to work for me. i just got a bunch of noise lol (using audacity 1.3 beta on win7/64bit...maybe thats why?) i guess ill try the vgmdump method.

i need the hotel california cover that chipocrite did

chipocrite wrote:

worth checking out even if one of my sets consisted entirely of me covering Boston songs on homemade bagpipes or something)

omg that would be aweosme


(36 replies, posted in Collaborations)

i typically dont make too much uncey type stuff, but i think i may have just the track for this...if i can finish it lol


(101 replies, posted in Collaborations)

just inadvertently made what i think might be good item shop screen music lol, I'll clean it up tomorrow and send to you and if you approve i guess mark me down for that. but can i do something else too?

sounds awesome def gonna try and go. also,

tempsoundsolutions wrote:

i would go but i am banned from this, lol

lol, for what?