I have always wanted to know, does 8bp have a ceremony for new members? some kind of Bohemian Grove like naked spanking hazing thing with Vince Clark as the voice of the owl and Nullsleep and Bitshifter wearing monk robes?
1,746 Jul 22, 2010 4:19 pm
Re: Lightwall: Concept for VJ oriented NES rom (353 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
Blargg very quick question, are there any differences between the SNES and NES versions? I assume the SNES has a vastly superior palette?
1,747 Jul 22, 2010 4:05 pm
Re: new netlabel ? (52 replies, posted in General Discussion)
What would your thoughts be on Piggy Tracker? I assume not chip enough?
1,748 Jul 22, 2010 4:02 pm
Re: Lightwall: Concept for VJ oriented NES rom (353 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
Forgive me for being utterly clueless on the subject but why does it need to be a tube TV? would LED monitors work?
1,749 Jul 22, 2010 3:47 pm
Re: "Pulsar" demo (224 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
I don't think PSP Seq's interface problems are related to the concept (step sequencer with all information for each step at the top of the screen), more that the implementation is a little flawed. I think with more elegant key mapping and clearer values and terminology it might work out pretty well.
That being said, I adore the LSDJ interface and if its working for Neil thats awesome. I was mainly looking for alternatives. Another would be something like a Nanoloopesq graphical step sequencer? would that make the screen refresh problem more managable?
1,750 Jul 22, 2010 3:40 pm
Re: Lightwall: Concept for VJ oriented NES rom (353 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
1,751 Jul 22, 2010 1:49 pm
Re: "Pulsar" demo (224 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
Getting back on track, if you will excuse the pun, has anyone considered the merits of a psp seq type approach to the interface? Single screen step sequencer on psp by the awesomely talented Ethan Bordeaux.
1,752 Jul 22, 2010 9:22 am
Re: Lightwall: Concept for VJ oriented NES rom (353 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
Blargg, you are an animal!!!
Would it be possible to get an extra 4 shapes with double tapping the directions? I was thinking maybe
- Lined Squares (I loved the max headroomy vibe they had on one of the earlier versions)
- Rounded squares, with the corners smoothed off
- Tiny squares (either divided by lines like in one of Niels versions or just about 50 percent smaller squares?)
- Hexagons?
I think that would really be so much fun. I had a whole load of feed back about what I think was litewall 6 which is all pretty much invalid since the release of litewall 7 so I will have a practice then give more feed back.
Once again sir, thank you so very very much for this.
1,753 Jul 21, 2010 3:28 pm
Re: Lightwall: Concept for VJ oriented NES rom (353 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
I took lightwall out for a spin at a show over the weekend. Its SO much fun to use! That is Xinon, cleaning up at cheapbeats with I think Niels Lightewall 8?
Photo by Cyril Despontin
I haven't had any time to mess with the newer versions yet including Blarggs beast of an update, Will do soon though!
1,754 Jul 21, 2010 3:07 pm
Re: famicom games on nes? (4 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
Or alternatively a quick search for "famicom converter" on ebay has a few hits as of The 21st of July
1,755 Jul 17, 2010 2:39 am
Re: Lightwall: Concept for VJ oriented NES rom (353 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
Also prefer NES. I spent last night sorting out a (fucking awful) "video mixer", about to take Neil and Blarggs versions out to play a couple of sets at cheapbeats, VJing for Xinon and nonononononononono. Should have a few videos to upload tomorrow night!
1,756 Jul 16, 2010 7:57 am
Re: Lightwall: Concept for VJ oriented NES rom (353 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
Still out at work but playing with blarglitwall 4 I found something which seems a little buggy. When using select and b or start and b to vlacknout the screen then pressing b or a to get the grey scale or white background, empty squares show up as pale yellow rather than white or mid grey rather than black which looks a little odd
1,757 Jul 16, 2010 5:47 am
Re: Lightwall: Concept for VJ oriented NES rom (353 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
I'll be happy to do it. What size / format do you need the shapes in and how many steps to morph?
I have "skills" in the loosest sense but should be able to donit
1,758 Jul 16, 2010 12:15 am
Re: Lightwall: Concept for VJ oriented NES rom (353 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
Neil and Bllargg,
Thanks so much once again, D/Ling new version on my way out to work. Had a quick interface brain wave.
How about accessing patterns by
Hold Dpad Down or Left + Sel/Start/A/B - Transition to pattern
Hold Dpad Down or Left + Sel/Start/A/B - Switchto pattern
I don't think we are using this key combination yet and it would give access to 8 patterns instantly or with transitions and would free up A/B plus directions for shapes / pallette changes?
Will reply in more depth and post a video of how im acctually using it this weekend, my powerpack arrived, Just need to get a card reader!
1,759 Jul 15, 2010 1:11 pm
Re: what should i download? (19 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Check the sticky in this forum marked "music everyone should have" loads of good ideas
1,760 Jul 15, 2010 5:56 am
Re: Lightwall: Concept for VJ oriented NES rom (353 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
Blargg, I just downloaded this and spent a little bit of time with this, kind of VJ jamming to some Skweee and I have some feedback,
First point
---This Fucking RULES!!!---
I mean seriously is a really really awesome, a totally useful tool to have in a VJ arsenal
I have a few ideas and observations
- Bearing in mind how many options for things we have for doing things in time to music like, white/inverse/greyscale, changing patterns, pausing etc, making a sync option seems a little redundant. I mean the fun of live visuals being interacting with it live?
- The vertical lines (hold start and right) seem a little fast, would it be possible to slow them down so that the "slow" option (ie hold down) was the "fast" option?
- On the "left" animation the bottom row seems much much lighter than the top rows.
- Could we get 2 or 3 extra speeds? Down x 2 = Very slow, Down x 3 = very very slow?
- Could you move "pause" and "unpause" to "left and right" while holding nothing? so Up and Down would control speed, and left and right would control pause and play? Then you could press play and stop and white/grey/invert in time to music musc more easily
- Could we get 4 more animation by double tapping directions? for example
Start plus Right = vertical lines
Start plus Right Right = Horizontal lines ?
- One animation I would really like to see would be squares kind of raining down from the top of the screen but not the whole screen filled with squares, maybe only 10 percent of the screen?
- Would different shapes be possible? for example circles/hollow squares/thin lines ?
and once again, thank you SO much for doing this. I will use it this weekend and post videos!