Flashbob has a couple of cracking release on kittenrock.
1,953 Jan 12, 2010 4:43 pm
Re: Unknown artists that are cool (93 replies, posted in General Discussion)
1,954 Jan 12, 2010 3:35 pm
Re: Unknown artists that are cool (93 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Japanese uses lots of onomateopea (sp?) with repeated two syllable words. Picopico means in common parlance something like "twinkle twinkle" or "bleepy bleepy" but it kind of found its way into Japanese subculture as a word describing chip music. USK has an ep called "piko piko disco" which is pretty awesome.
Anyway, back on topic.
1,955 Jan 12, 2010 3:06 pm
Re: What do you say when some asks what do you do? (87 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Person - "What kind of music do you write?"
me - "You know Sabrepulse? like that but not as good"
But seriously, in my opinion, if you need to explain your hardware to someone who asks you what kind of music you make, it sounds like you might not have understood the question?
I appreciate this isnt really doing the artists justice but for example.
nullsleep, - scary, hard, horrible music
Minusbaby, - Bass heavy ass shaking latin bass with bass
8gb - Deeply groovy cluby dance music
little-scale - Really good transgenre with lots of instruments with lots of experimentation.
Me personally, - Im still kind of finding my feet but its Dark, dancey crunchy electronic stuff.
I think people need a sentence or two to get a feeling of what the music sounds like, not how its made. The Form/Medium/Culture (as goto80 puts it) part of the discussion is really really interesting for us, but not really for casual music fans. When "chipmusic" has a section in tower records, kids in hot topic are buying American apparel Bit Shifter shirts and The latest Michael Bay movie has a soundtrack with Will smith rapping over MML Programmed
1,956 Jan 12, 2010 2:37 pm
Re: how does your significant others describe your music to thier friends? (80 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I generally wake up every morning astonished my significant other has thrown in the towel and started playing the field up in her own league, so she gets to describe my music however she pleases.
1,957 Jan 12, 2010 2:27 pm
Re: Upcoming features: Uploads and stuff (163 replies, posted in Rules & Announcements)
Lazerbeat wrote:Having an opt in system isn't possible with even the most restrictive of Creative Commons licences unless you want a fairly creative interperetation. If it's distributed CC it can be redistributed and added to any playlist (bar an exception or two depending on the licence).
I don't meant to sound negative about the idea, on the contrary, Im glad we are all still looking at ways to find a happy middle ground
Are you referring to my post?
I hardly think that the CC licence has any implications whatsoever on a filter or playlist selection.
I was but in retrospect, I was managing to get the cart before the horse, my foot in my mouth and my head up my arse all at the same time. Technically the CC license means you can do whatever you like in terms of distribution of tracks ergo the site could in THEORY be all "no we are going to to put everything in as its CC" but you are absolutely right. in this case has no bearing on anything. Opting in and out gives people more options, and more options are good.
Also this recommendations based preferred tracks reminded me of
Which is kind of a GPLed version of Last FM aimed at indie artists and communites. Might be helpful?
1,958 Jan 12, 2010 10:16 am
Re: Official IRC Channel! (68 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Irc thus far has been most pleasant, enjoyable thanks very much everyone.
1,959 Jan 12, 2010 10:11 am
Re: Chipmusic Everyone Needs To Have (327 replies, posted in General Discussion)
modsoulbrother also has some very good recommendations
1,960 Jan 12, 2010 10:06 am
Re: Upcoming features: Uploads and stuff (163 replies, posted in Rules & Announcements)
Having an opt in system isn't possible with even the most restrictive of Creative Commons licences unless you want a fairly creative interperetation. If it's distributed CC it can be redistributed and added to any playlist (bar an exception or two depending on the licence).
I don't meant to sound negative about the idea, on the contrary, Im glad we are all still looking at ways to find a happy middle ground
1,961 Jan 12, 2010 9:49 am
Re: M4G Tracker -- GBA tracker by Smiker (and iLKke) (484 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Sweet, thanks man.
1,962 Jan 12, 2010 2:52 am
Re: Unknown artists that are cool (93 replies, posted in General Discussion)
g0org - http://www.g0org.biz/top.html This is a collective of X68000 guys into their gabber. They were behind the FM ongen super maniacs comp which came out on TMA
FMPSG - http://taka-p.homeip.net/fmpsg/ - Japanese FM programming circle, mainly hardcopy releases only.
1,963 Jan 12, 2010 2:27 am
Re: Unknown artists that are cool (93 replies, posted in General Discussion)
n1k-o - http://8bitcollective.com/members/n1k-o/ or http://zxtunes.com/author.php?id=316 (thanks to ant1 for the second link)
NNNNNNNN - http://www.myspace.com/nnnnnnnnnn8bit (slightly NSFW album art) and its pronounced NoNoNo. The dude is ELECTRIC live.
1,964 Jan 12, 2010 2:09 am
Re: M4G Tracker -- GBA tracker by Smiker (and iLKke) (484 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Ok appreciate this is rather lazy of my but I have been out of the GBA emulation scene for really quite a long time, but just to check?
I have an EZflashV/Acekard2.1 combination for my DS. I assume this would work with following this wiki tutorial?
http://ezflash.sosuke.com/wiki/index.ph .283in1.29
edit for clarities sake, I realise I didnt actually say this. the tracker looks awesome I would love to try it, would the above let me do so?
1,965 Jan 12, 2010 1:06 am
Re: how does your significant others describe your music to thier friends? (80 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I don't know if i cod describe him as my significant other but 10k heard me jamming in the aussie blip apartment and remarked
"Robert Miles just called, he wants his beats back"
1,966 Jan 11, 2010 4:07 pm
Re: Upcoming features: Uploads and stuff (163 replies, posted in Rules & Announcements)
Imagine you have three tunes,
A good by a well known person,
B good by an unknown,
C bad by whoever.
If you have no thumbs down, A goes up, B and C get assigned the same value of zero.
If you have thumbs up and down, A goes up, B get zero and C goes down.
With know thumbs down, its harder to sort good unknown tracks from known bad tracks. not impossible, but harder.
1,967 Jan 11, 2010 3:47 pm
Re: Chipmusic Everyone Needs To Have (327 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Mr. Blowfins - RMX [mp3death]
The Hardliner - Russian Current [mp3death]
Various Artists - Dissed By The WFS [NORTHAMERICANHARDCORE]
Not heard of any of these, im on it!
1,968 Jan 11, 2010 3:43 pm
Re: Chipmusic Everyone Needs To Have (327 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I hope this isnt stuff which has been mentioned elsewhere but!
Burnkit 2600 - This is the sound
Various artists - Sqaurwave surfers (for the hally and chibitech tunes alone)
6955 - Fez EP
Stu - Atari Solo (shame on you if you dont have it)
Jellica - With love from grandma (my release of 2009 probably)
Eat rabbit - kiss the dolphin
8gb - Pravda and red october
Fatal Snipe - Fellowship
Forest world - fvtvre (LOVELY NL2.3 ep)
goto80 - updown and zyndabox
Variouos - Casio crack (AWEOSME hexawe comp)
logicbomb - house of zombie ninja
Lutin - Lutin (this guy isnt more famous because of why?)
neurobit - sonic romanticide
postal m@rket - punk attitude (what happened ot this guy?)
rabato - gamboy tunes
rico zerone - elusion
sabrepulse - verao/turbo city
virt - kwakfest
Also make a new folder called "Albino Ghost Monkey - Fucking awesome" then google "dise-a.g.m" download all the tunes you find, but them in your new folder and pretend its an album. Trust me, you will like it.