(25 replies, posted in Releases)

ALso here is a big list of net labels.


Read the list, find net labels you like, send them your tracks.

edit - clarified topic title btw

Also, no disrespect intended but im not really hearing 2 LSDJs worth of stuff going on. How are you using the 2 DMGs? One as the primary song and the other for depth? Seeing as you have 8 channels you really need to beef up that snare a bit maybe using a pitch bent 50/50 square to give it a bit of bottom end.

I would connect the audio directly to the mixer then the video cable to your TV / Monitor. The NES audio will probably sound ok but im pretty sure it is all 5 channels from one mono cable unless you modify it

http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/5353/ … mod-guide/


(162 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'm Batman.


(18 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

I think I means you can use a midi controller rather than a joystick/pad to control the software. Ie loading projects, starting stopping etc. it doesn't make it into a midi instrument although that would be a logical step?


(18 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

herr_prof wrote:

[ALL] Added STOP command.

This one is the equivalent of LSDj's HFF and works only in phrases. In
song mode it will stop the song. In Live mode it will stop immediately
the channel it's sitting into. There's no extra setting to it

So this will basically stop playback in any channel in live mode? I was kind of working around this by playing a phrase with an empty cell with a "KILL" command at the start. Not trying to nitpick at all but how is STOP more useful?

herr_prof wrote:

[WIN/OSX/DEB/RASPI] MIDICTRLDEVICE setting for the config file.

This will allow to control the piggy from a MIDI device pretty much
the same way as joystick can. A Typical mapping file could contain

<MAP src="midi:all:0:cc:104" dst="/event/up" />
<MAP src="midi:all:0:cc:105" dst="/event/down" />
<MAP src="midi:all:0:cc:106" dst="/event/left" />
<MAP src="midi:all:0:cc:107" dst="/event/right" />
<MAP src="midi:all:0:note:0" dst="/event/start" />

Right now there's no additional mapping than the one that existed already

http://wiki.littlegptracker.com/doku.ph … pt:mapping

Interesting, what are you using as a controller Prof?


(44 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

I wrote a love letter to my DX11 a while back

http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/7419/ … re-is-why/

I also have a MidiboxSID/MidiboxFM/Shruthi1 combo which takes care of all my synth needs pretty well. My go to recommendation for basically anything though is the Alesis Micron, only thing I eve regret selling. It is tiny but beats with the heart of an absolute monster.

One thing I would also suggest, contribute to the community in as positive a way you can. Give other people constructive criticism if they ask for it, write tutorials, help out new members, volunteer to help out at shows, help promote other peoples stuff. The more respected you are you are the more likely people are to help promote what you do.

Also I would add on the flip side, you aren't entitled to fame / renown / invites to play live and there are going to be people who become better know / more well liked / whatever than you for seemingly unfair reasons. Bare that with fortitude and good grace and use it to fuel your ambition to be a better musician rather than letting it discourage you.

Are you getting back into chipmusic then? Great news!


(5 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

I can confirm that, you should find the ghetto more stable that the stable esp on PSP

stancoolness wrote:

Constructive critisism on ChipMusic.org? Bullshit, man. I'm calling bullshit, what's considered "constructive critisism" on this site is everyone just being an asshole, you know?

Well I totally agree saskrotch is an asshole but he isnt quite all encompassing enough to be "everyone". Also I think the main thing to take away from his comments about your hub site is

invective invective "large dragonball picture taking up 1/3 of the page will turn people off looking at your site" invective invective.

BOOdaW I love you


(162 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Am I one of the chipmusic elite?

Or of course, we could all be full of total shite, and you could use this

NSF Player for Gameboy Color ver.2 : http://www.geocities.jp/submarine600/html/nsfv2.html

Be forewarned though, it is probably going to sound like a bit dubious and be a giant computer throwing pain in the arse to get working.

If you want to play it on hardware, the easiest and cheapest option is to buy a powerpak


They are absolutely bad ass, cost 135 usd and are (comparatively) reliable. You will also need a little screen of some sort and a CF card and a NES but you should be able to get a complete NSF hardware playback set up for under 200 bucks. Using the gameboy isn't going to work as they are totally different soundchips. As Doxic mentioned it is like playing back a megadrive game on a SNES

kometbomb wrote:

Though, I'd really like to keep everything tiny and fast since I originally made the whole thing for being used as a sound effects/game music engine for this game I'm still trying to finish, so I would rather not make it too heavy.

Well, I have a couple of thoughts I think the Klystrack now can easily cover the music / SFX for your game engine. If you bribe n00bstar with bug fixes / feature requests he will probably do some tunes for you! You freeze klystrack in its current form except for bugfixes and as n00bstar mentioned call it klysklassik or something.

kometbomb wrote:

I also don't know what is the expected end result since there already are much more robust trackers with support for VST, makes little sense to me to do the exact same thing as everyone else.

To be honest I feel Klystrack is already a really unique and interesting project. It doesnt emulate a particular chip really, it is more (in my opinion) inspired by a particular palette of sounds which are kind of similar to AHX / SID / Atari which makes it very unique. I think the tracker is 95 percent of the way to being a really really awesome tracker which I just love playing with. The sound design is awesome, the only reason I dont release any of the things I have written is cause they are kinda, uh, crappy. If it can have just a few more tweaks it would easily become my primary composition tool.

I see it as a modern retro synthesis tracker with a gorgeous interface and a fucking BEAST of a synth engine. That is an awesome niche to occupy!