Could you either add a price to the sale or put it on ebay if you want to auction it? No price fishing I am afraid! … ost-rules/

Yeah, piggy tracker had 1 thread with 50 pages of replies and another 40 odd threads specifically related to it, a bandcamp page, with multiple releases by forum members, and an IRC channel, again used by a large number of forum members.


Also piggy tracker is clearly the best way to make music and leaves all the options you mentioned in the dust.

/joke (actually not a joke at all)


(6 replies, posted in Past Events)

Hi Emily!!! Also it it totally my ambition to go to pulsewave sometime.

Miss NY....


(127 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Men of Mega wrote:

2. I would personally suggest not getting tattoos before you're over 25 or something. I believe that in between 15-25 your style/feelings/taste changes a lot. After 25 it seems to get consistent (but I am speaking for myself).

I totally agree tastes chance a lot. My one caveat is, I think getting tattoos when you are younger is totally fine if you are happy for them to be a kind of record of who you were are whatever time you got them rather than a statement of who you are now.

n00bstar wrote:

Some of us KT users would rather Komet spends time fixing bugs and improving Klystrack

By improving you mean adding 4op fm right?

shiroshii wrote:

i want a sexy ass white/grey theme~

You can make themes yourself!


(41 replies, posted in Tutorials, Mods & How-To's)

Agreed, these tutorials rule. Also glad the linux version is more current now! It was about 2 years out of date.


(5 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)

Also the Vblank visualisers are pretty awesome if you can find one. He totally needs to do another run of those!

Looks like a new Linux build came out? Looking forward to osx 1.6!


(19 replies, posted in Releases)

If its Tori, pretty sure it's just one. She's all next level and shit.


(51 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

If you feel there are users, threads or posts that need to be dealt with, totally report them. Pretty much anything which gets reported gets dealt with.

Hey, I am almost 100 pecent sure the old red and white famicoms only output RF. The RF plug looks like a standard RCA plug which isnt. I dont know if you were connecting with the RF modulator or not. Your best bet is to do an AV mod on it. It apparently isnt too hard. There is almost certainly information on NESDev

clarified title


(127 replies, posted in General Discussion)

e.s.c. wrote:

well, have a second one now.. got it late dec.

Oh! It's sideways! And awesome.

xylo wrote:

I am extremely proud of what I release, and do not consider it 'noise', am I the 10% now? \o/ Hail.

I want this on a tshirt.

Front : Pink speech bubble "am I the 10% now? /pink speech bubble

Back :  \o/

that seems a bit overly complex. You need to get 5 people per week choose a track per deadline and you need to find 5 more people for the following week. would be nice if people were up for it though.