Is the example code you used for you youtube power play tutorials available anywhere? Those videos were super helpful and I wanted to mess with the code a bit!

Not sure you can get the fizz with only sine waves. The modwheel trick should work though

geckoyamori wrote:

How does the "fake filter" work? Usually I don't bother with filters for FM, but FM8 has a separate filter operator which I can actually use to modulate before the output signal, which is really cool and gives me even more options for altering the timbre.

Basically make a nice filtery patch with op4 doing lots of feedback then assign the modulation wheel (with a square wave lfo) to control the amplitude modulation sensitivity to op4. you can then use the mod wheel to turn op4 up and down which "opens" or "closes" the filter.

calmdownkidder wrote:

Do you know how easy it is to fix? There's one on eBay (advertised as spares/repairs), that's in driving distance, if I could get it for a silly low price, dunno if it'd be worth a punt :\

Depends what is wrong with it, if it is the battery or reseating a couple of keys should be pretty easy, I have done both and I am a hopeless 10thumbed goon at electronics,

Oh, one more good point. The bass is absolutely terrifying.

Prtty much the rolls royce of DX7s

Sorry, I was updating the post, submitted when I should have previewed!

I think the DX11 is a pretty underrated synth, it has all kinda of things going for it so I though I would share a few thoughts.

Synthy stuff

- It sounds awesome. I don't really feel these demos are pushing the unit THAT hard but they give a nice overview of some of the synths capabilities. Just the DX11 or Just the tx81z (rackmount dx11)

- It is an 8 wave form 4op synth (like the TQ5/TX81z), not quite at hard to wrap your head around as the 6op dx7 series but a bit deeper than the dx100/9/21/27.

- IT HAS A PITCH ENVELOPE!!!! Something that makes programming drums way more simple. The only DX synth with one I think (tx81z does NOT have one).

- It can do pretty awesome fake filter stuff.

- Velocity / Aftertouch and nice key action make it a great master keyboard.

- Can easily do famous patches like Solidbass / FM Sawtooth

- Can layer up to 8 voices.

- Breath control, don't knock it, you can assign breath control to all sorts of things and use midi to control it.

Non synthy but other nice touches.

- Robust as hell.

- It is pretty small for a 5 octave keyboard. (90 x 30 x 6 cm) also light at 7kg.

- Looks awesome, black, push button rather than membrane keys, very bright screen.

- There is an excellent Windows patch editor

- Seems very cheap, I have bought 2 for under 100 bucks, last one I say on Ebay went for 150 bucks.

- Self contained power supply.

Possible downsides,

- 8 voices / 8 part multitimbral (this might be a bit lacking for some people)

- Only 32 user patches.

FM man!

Anyone else feel an FM compo coming on?


(86 replies, posted in Releases)

Jellica, peer and Alex mauer for Telefuture!

And Stevens and mr spastic

You aren't letting anyone down brother! You made an awesome product, never over promised anything and are keeping us all up to date about production delays you have no control over.

Several checks in the win column!

Actually, would anyone be up for another "laptops known to have Opl3 chips" thread?

Megasuperuber necrobump but I have a bit of a clarification question about the color cycling.

Im very very new to the whole nes grafx thing but I have a bit of a problem wrapping my head around the pallets. I am using Shiru's nes screen tool which has the "nes pallet" of the 53ish colors and 4 "sub pallets" of the background colors plus 3 each for 15 colors. Could I confirm these AREN'T related to which colors cycle?

In this bit of code

lda #$04                ; these are the 4 colors
        sta Color0              ; that will cycle when you
        lda #$14                ; hit the "start" button
        sta Color1
        lda #$24
        sta Color2
        lda #$34
        sta Color3

I pick my cycling colors right? So I don't understand where my 4 extra colors are coming from if nametables only have 15 colors? Did I get mixed up here?


Thanks very much, this has been super helpful!


(8 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

I like the xone 22, cheap, xone, loverly filter, fairly small. Only thing which bugs me is the rack ears which is dont want.


(208 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

roboctopus wrote:

There are a lot of cool artists that really mostly did singles, and would chart from time to time. .

Yeah, I would put Derris-Kharlan, Chibitech, DJcats and various oxygenstar projects on that list too.