Sorry, I had a busy week and let this one slip, I was mainly compiling NoCarriers scrollnes code in a monkey see monkey do fashion. I dont know ASM at all so I think I will have to do a bit more reading!

cak wrote:

Yellow Magic Orchestra

Didn't they sample xevious?

Don't know est but its about 8hours from the time of this post


(4 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Also Dr Chipmunster didn't invent chipmusic.

And I found dot_ay's paper


(4 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Many people have very different ideas about the history of chipmusic. This is a very good link to start reading. though :

Goto80 has done loads of awesome research. Also reformat the planet :

Does a pretty amazing job of documenting the modern NY scene, 10k did an article which is well worth a read : … chipmusic/

There are some interviews which you might find useful here :

And one of the aussies, I think Dotay? Did a paper on the history of chipmusic? Im blanking on the details though.

There will be a live stream here!


(38 replies, posted in Releases)

little-scale wrote:

Amazing and inspiring.

I remember you sitting near the bar during this, I ran over and hung wiht you for a minute or two both watching the stage open mouthed. Good times!

Now with bad ass flyer from Kenji!


(29 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Real fans listen to both streams at once! I think this is the FMN stream!:


(42 replies, posted in General Discussion)


O2star wrote:

Connecticut is terrible. BUT...... It's fantastical being driving distance away from NYC, BOSTON and PHILLY. Other than that, Connecticut is terrible.

But you ARE your own chip scene, you could do a festival by yourself. Also come the fuck to Japan!

Mine is pretty amazing, there are a couple of regularish chip shows :

A monthly musical show and tell type meet up and I guess about 25 active chippy artists. We also have a rather splendid yearly festival! Also out of interest I think the scene is made up of people in their late 20's and 30's so probably a bit older than most areas?

Im pretty sure the famicom madnes show also has a stream

elephantapede wrote:

Could you sync a DS lite running NL 2.5 to:

Another DS running Nanoloop 2.5?

Little-scale and I messed about with Nanoloop 2.3 on 2 DS lites which we synced up by ear and jammed on for about 25 minutes and it was solid as can be. Which prompted one of the funniest things I have heard ever.

10k "Guys, Robert Miles called, he wants his tunes back"

Just a quick thought but how about adding a little area under "search" but above "who's on line" linking to currently active chip show streams?

Could have something like

Currently streaming :
US,NY Blip Festival 2012 (this is a link to the stream)
Aus Mel Soundbytes 10 (this is a link to the stream)

This would obviously need either some users to have access to that bit of back end or some kind of mod curated sticky list of streams created by users, both of which would have possible problems but I thought it might be worth knocking the idea around?

With any luck we should have a stream of the event. I will post/tweet info on the day!