
(32 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Awesome hardware! Quick question, does "hard sync" mean the filter envelope resets every new note?


(15 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

some info from the ever helpful Woolyss.com


(27 replies, posted in Releases)

Lost my mind listening to this, spent 5 minutes hurling cash at my screen before I worked out that isn't how you buy it.


(95 replies, posted in General Discussion)

There do seem to be a few loose very groupings of music which are pretty consistent:

Arpy 4/4ish dance music. Ensnare/Trash 80
Gameboy ish Dubby / Bassy music. Minikomi/???/Cheapshot
NES centered prog rocky music. virt/heosphorus/disasterpeace


(70 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

If you have a WAV instrument set up to play pingpong, loop, etc., you can delete all instances of the instrument except the first one and as long as your repeat is set to F, the synth will keep cycling through the frames without resetting.

I had no idea you could do this, this has literally changed my whole life!


(42 replies, posted in Releases)

Wilba I didn't know you liked the bass!

I have been listening to Minikomi. ??? and Cheapshot almost constantly for the last week. I wondered if anyone remembers and dub or what I guess we are calling chipbass influenced game sound tracks? I was trying to think of GB. NES, MD type stuff but im drawing a complete blank. Help me out!


(163 replies, posted in General Discussion)

We don't really have that much distance to look back and see how influential that last few years have been. I don't really listen to music I don't like so I can't comment on boring or dull stuff but the last 3 or 4 years have seen quite a few things which I have been really happy about community wise.

- This site.
- Blips in Tokyo and Australia.
- The rise of the Aussie chip scene.
- New regular shows like toy company, the 2 or 3 new UK ones, cheapbeats etc
- Metrodub,
- Ubik, 8bp and Pause have all been going strength to strength in the last 3 years.
- Kitten rock is still pumping out glorious weirdness.
- "New" artists like ???, 7bit hero, carls projects,  cheapshot, minikomi, _ensnare_, Derris Kharlan and knife city doing awesome stuff
- Return of  bleepstreet
- Lets not forget our VJs and graphic artist., people like m7kenji, party time hexallent, Enso, Ilkae and Batsly Adams are all fairly new.
- Software wise we have all baldwins stuff, Deflemask, VGM Maker, hugely expanded famitracker.
- Chip musicians regularly hitting top 5 in bandcamp in the last few weeks!
- Lots of interet
- Hardware wise all kinds of midi interfaces, new flash carts and stuff.

It might sounds bit nit picky and I do appreciate your point was about music but I have always felt "chipmusic" was a bit of an umbrella term for a much wider community that has done all kinds of super interesting stuff in the last few years!


(163 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Actually, a pertinent question, where are you looking for chipmusic? You know there are netlabels like 8bp. pause, hexawe, metrodub, ubiktune etc which have curated archived of great releases? Are you listening to noisechannel.org? have you looked at micromusic.net?


(163 replies, posted in General Discussion)

This sounds like a "Dr Dr, it hurts when I go like this!", "well don't do that then" joke. If half of chipmusic bothers you then just don't listen to it, just listen to the half which make you happy?


(42 replies, posted in Releases)

10k wrote:
Dot.AY wrote:

To early to call Chipbass release of the year?!?!?

If you're talking about your column, I don't think it is to early to call... because you decide!

It is never too early for Alex's column.


(42 replies, posted in Releases)



(100 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Bit Shifter wrote:

Carter The Unstoppable Sex Machine

Why have you never done a usm cover?


(70 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Great initiative, but how about a unified post and just updating the topic title? You have made four of these posts in a couple of weeks. You could keep the op updated with links to new articles and have a single post for people to find everything.


(146 replies, posted in General Discussion)

breakphase wrote:
Jellica wrote:

8bc always had better music uploaded, inspite of the high levels of shit. come on guys upload some good music

I wonder if Bandcamp and Soundcloud not existing or not really being that well known during 8bc's heyday 2007 - 2009 helped contribute to the number of tunes uploaded there?

What city is this?