scienceguy8 you posted this elsewhere and its not my track, thats the previous gamestop ad.. its j aurther keenes' song.. the newest commercial hasnt aired yet...

Hey ! I just booked a hotel too !!! It was only 55 bucks !!! like 10 mins outside of boston... YEE HA!

I'm so in, since I was going to do this as a spring project.. and cover my favorite tracks, with all real instruments... werd !

lets have a LAN party at mikes hotel room. Illl bring 11 computers.

No no no, everyone has it all wrong. You need ms-dos and a sound blaster 16 card. The end. Get those items and call me in the morning, you'll thank me later !


(7 replies, posted in Releases)

this is really good stuff !!!!!! yeee haa !!

Thanks for all responses peeps !!!! Im actually gone be running this setup on my desktop dos machine...  so Im gonna get an ISA ethernet card this week to try out.

But im gonna go through everyones comments and links !!!!  smile

1/4 inch mono and a working VRC6 mod.

So, I've been messing around with FreeDOS now, and attempting to browse the web with Arachne. I was unsuccessful through my computers good ol modem, ( I have no idea what number it is dialing) and unsuccessful through an ethernet card. But I dont think it even detects my ethernet card.

I would like to gain some serious knowledge about what all this stuff means. I can usually mess around with things and begin to understand it, but with networks I just never seem to grasp it. Such things like "packet drivers" "ISDN cards" or just general information about basic networks, or even how it relates with ms-dos (or freeDOS) would be helpful. I guess stuff in the most simplest terminology would be good to start with.

One can only search the internet so long to figure stuff out, and its just too much for me on this subject. I just love how you can search the internet to learn about the internet. So I was looking for some books, or really good sources for this stuff. I am going to take the A+ certification test soon, so any info is very helpful to me. I already have the books pertaining to what is on the test. Anyone care to help me out?  smile


(299 replies, posted in Past Events)

CTRIX ?!?!??!! what theeeeeeeeeeeee? how are you getting these peoples?!?!?!

orgwell bought it!


Sale Pending !

SOLD !!!! smile

Old school midi sequencer. It has 2 midi outs, 1 midi in, and a midi thru.

From Vintagesynth:

The QX-3 is a souped-up version of the QX-5 sequencer. It's a 16-track with real-time track muting, 48,000 note capacity sequencer with built-in 3.5" disk drive and sophisticated editing and control. Large LCD screen and more buttons make operation easy and fun. There's a feature known as 'macros' in which snippets or phrases can be thrown into a sequence live. Real and step input modes and punch in/out are available. The QX-3 also features MIDI and FSK sync, sysex dumping and recording, 96 ppq resolution and more! A very professional stand-alone sequencer.


I grew up with a piano and guitar in the house. I played clarinet in elementary school. Then I got a drumset in 8th grade and I saved up for my own guitar the following year. So Ive been playing drums, guitar, and piano for 14 years now. And I also have a degree in Music and Sound Recording. Can I get a job anywhere? gosh no.