Yeah I think a new gba comparison needs to be made. Maybe just a new gb comparison page too. That old one has been great but there Have been new mods made, and new circumstance that aren't considered. An update is needed.
690 May 30, 2011 5:00 am
Topic: nanoloop 2.x artist search (23 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
i dont normally make stupid posts like this but i am having trouble sorting thru all the artists. i am looking for examples of people that use nanoloop 2.x as a main music software.
i know they are out there but they just aren't as well known. I have been finding that most 2.x users just dabble and only a few really hardcore users are out there. i am trying to find large bodies of work to listen to.
the people i know of so far are:
Henry Homesweet
Cream in all Moustache
diamonds and dynamite
Albino Ghost Monkey
691 May 30, 2011 4:32 am
Re: GBA line output mod? (41 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
i am assuming you are talking about the original gba
i did one a while back but ended up burning out something while i was cleaning up. its possible but not really great results. I can look around my hard drive to see if i cant find a sound test. i know i got a couple out before it fucked up. this was a long time ago tho. we talking like 3-4 years back and i have gone thru a couple of crashes and transfers in that time. the gba sound is actually pretty decent as is. i would say it has a thick bass and mids and while there is a hum it isnt as bad as say the sp's shenanigans. micro can be noisey but god damn it gots dat bass. no joke. its soooo damn thick. probably for recording the original gba is best tho. It all depends on the individual unit you get but for the most part the gba for nanoloop 2.x is pretty ideal without any mod.
the sp it is possible to do but there isnt really any sound benefit. it is just easier to plug and play without an adapter. its also pretty small so you have to be pretty good with soldering.
the ds units are always an option too but really the first one is shit and the light has decent out from what i hear but i havent personally tested it out.
the thing is that depending on what nanoloop version you are using you will get different results aswell. 2.x uses a software based synthesis fm engine if i recall correctly and is output using the sample channels. for lsdj and 1.x it is using the built in synthesizers. 2.x users would have to have a separate comparison to see if the software sounds different on each unit. as far as noise output with background sound that is pretty much going to stay the same tho.
that is my long gba comparison rant/thinking out loud session. that is all.
692 May 22, 2011 8:37 am
Re: [US] NEW YORK NY • 2011 05 19-21 • BLIP FESTIVAL 2011 NYC @ EYEBEAM (603 replies, posted in Past Events)
this fucking sucked. i wasted fucking all my money and time to see some guys pretend they are making music on video games by hacking them.....
it was the shit. suck a dick. that is all.
693 May 17, 2011 8:14 am
Re: WAV channel square wav sample? "extra" channel? (5 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
should work no problem i would suggest trying it out using a single cycle of a basic wave setting to loop and then using the pitch controls in lsdj to change notes. i have been pondering about this same thing myself.
694 May 13, 2011 3:37 am
Re: Drag'n'Derp: the gameboy cart to end all gameboy carts (705 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
695 May 13, 2011 3:22 am
Re: Rite Now 5" limited vinyl • Ten Thousand Free Men & Their Families (32 replies, posted in Releases)
this is legit.
696 May 12, 2011 3:25 pm
Re: Help a guy find a place to stay. (20 replies, posted in General Discussion)
fucking fuck fuck. fucked again. they keep trying to relocate me all the fuck across town.
697 May 12, 2011 4:40 am
Re: BLIP ROLL CALL (147 replies, posted in General Discussion)
L-tron re-added to the list!
698 May 9, 2011 10:01 am
Re: B.LEO - BuiLding an EgO (12 replies, posted in Releases)
acid rocking the shit out of my ears with this release.
699 May 3, 2011 3:41 pm
Re: People that wont be at blip (30 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Oh, something else I can't afford.
your not coming? you are destroying my dreams!!!!!!
700 May 3, 2011 4:16 am
Re: "Elements of chipmusic" seminar by lft (8 replies, posted in General Discussion)
this is great.
701 Apr 29, 2011 9:09 pm
Re: Furious Advance Tracker (GBA-Tracker) (61 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
y'all are crazy, until this thing has effect commands and the two sample channels working and can save and some way to actually edit the wav instrument instead of using presets, this thing sucks
702 Apr 29, 2011 4:57 am
Re: NYC - May 22nd - HEXAWE ALL STARS (119 replies, posted in Past Events)
me 2.
703 Apr 29, 2011 4:54 am
Re: Help a guy find a place to stay. (20 replies, posted in General Discussion)
ok. so.... update. i got a place. i had to rent out an appartment to get something in the area. it was way more then i had expected but... o well. anyways as i have space i demand people come chill and help to get my monies worth.
704 Apr 27, 2011 8:47 pm
Re: NYC - May 22nd - HEXAWE ALL STARS (119 replies, posted in Past Events)
its funny cuz i was thinking that the lgpt community deserved an anual event.