does an ems cart run at all with a gameboy pocket?
runs with mine. is an online community in respect and relation to chip music, art and its parallels.
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does an ems cart run at all with a gameboy pocket?
runs with mine.
you guys, so i just talked to smiker. he says.... "tricked ya bitch, you all got served."
or did he....?
this looks cool but the site sux. i spent like 15 minutes to found out what this thing is capable of. there was no mention of the specs until midway through the page and still it doesn't talk much about the hardware. they talk about themselves too much. /me shurgs
sounds do sound cool tho. it is pricey aswell
wait to see this one develope a little more i would say.
wedanced wrote:some might call it ... spam?
More like, I was hoping to find someone in this cruel world who might care...
that may be true but your actions speak otherwise.
1) you posted in the wrong section.
2) you are posting a nonchip related release in a chip forum. that is just silly.
A spambot posts and sends out whorish advertisements with no regard for logic and only self promotion. it can be easy to believe that you are a spambot as you have followed the logic of a spambot. the spambot logic of "it doesnt matter where, i just got to advertise" seems and feels i dont know.... spamy? probably shouldnt do it. just saying...
o and stop filling up my god damn email. i dont want your viagra damn you!
I've no doubt that I'll be fucked in the ass for asking but, why is that not ok to say? Musicians say "it needs to be more rock/jazz/bluesy" all the time.
It is mostly because there is a strange obsession with a lot of the noobs with dubstep. we get questions all the time like "how do i make dubstep", what color should i paint my gameboy", and "how do i make a drum sound." these questions have been answered a million times, are fairly simple. it can be quite annoying. In the case of dubstep its popularity has increased and the annoying questions about dubstep have become frequent. that's why it pisses some of us off (myself included).
If you want to do dubstep or whatever genre of music you want then instead of asking old questions, learn from the questions of others that have been already answered. I think that it is a good idea for a lot of the new comers to learn at 8bc because there is a lot of info there from older users with experience left there and a lot of others who are learning with you too. you can learn from what we have already found out. All the information is already there you just have to look.
Because of a moral fiasco that occurred on 8bc and the growing crowd and i believe growing frustration of the older users having to deal with the younger ones a lot of us have come here.
I come to CM because I feel like i have out grown the 8bc community and rarely learn anything new there. That is why i come here for the more advanced and interesting stuff. 8bc is great place to learn but it can be easy to get sucked into. use it as a reference. that is the best advice i can give you.
Sometimes i get a bit over protective of CM cuz I dont want to see the quality of the information and news depreciate. I think thats why i am so quick to negativity over simple or vague questions.
thats basically it. end of rant.
wait... for the general public... BUT FOR REAL THO STOP TRYING TO MAKE MARIO SOUNDS AND BASIC ASS SHIT THAT EMULATES OLD SOUNDS!!!!! MAKE SOMETHING NEW ALL U FUCKERS. GB HAS SOME BAD ASSS SYNTHESIS CAPABILITIES. USE THAT SHIT. Learn synthesis and sound design damn it. if you slap that shit together with some bad ass composing you going to have some kick ass music. I havent listened to a chip release in over a year cuz people keep doing the same thing. lets take this somewhere different.
*this doesn't pertain to all chip musicians. only to those that just think its cool to have a gameboy sound like a boring ass gameboy.
o..... also....fuck your couch. i am not as angry as i sound i promise. i just want to see this community grow and not do the same thing over and over. kisses.
end end of rant.
I honestly cannot believe this thread has gotten this many serious responses.
and fuck all that advice. you dont need all that extra shit. your using synthesizers guys. learn synthesis.
look. took me less then an hour.
ok but for real. if you want wobble in your lsdj sound its all in the wav channel. you want a modulation to imitate lfo. set that shit on pingpong and then adjust your starting and ending volumes and cutoffs. make sure to put the repeat all the way up add a phasing on either the start or the end. you will get a shifting wavey sound. adjust the speed to make the wobble faster or slower. easy peasy. dubstep. stoopid. play around to get the sound you want. less is more. g+LSDJ)+(/ you will get sounds like in the beginning of this.
some might call it ... spam?
nice i like.
like i said... quality is dropping.
a better question is.... WHY THE FUCK IS THIS IN GENERAL COMMONS?
good idea for the thread. releases are epic.
i dont even know.... just do what akira says. he knows more than i do.
sweeeeet good to hear.
isnt there like a super easy to use dj thing like virtual dj or something? probably good for this situation but not in the long run. / Forums / Posts by wedanced