(8 replies, posted in Releases)

Chip noisy surfy punxy tunez

An album about being sad and riding faux 1970's skateboards to get through it

Recorded live to cassette

Download for free or stream here!


(76 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Are gifs glitched too?

EDIT: whoa yeah they are, sweet

whoa man this could be so sick


(2 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

brah, I'm stylin' and you know it


(2 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

This is less "MY CART CRASHED WHAT DO I DO?!?!?"

More "holy shit my cart made dubstep"


(65 replies, posted in Collaborations)

The only reason I clicked on this thread was to see how many points about Invisible Children being totally corrupt and their mission ultimately pointless and self-contradictory.

There wasn't as many posts to that effect as I expected actually. But oh well.


(5 replies, posted in Releases)



(13 replies, posted in Circuit Bending)

Looks pretty much exactly what I'm looking for, thanks!


(13 replies, posted in Circuit Bending)

At school, I am currently building a synthesiser. It's pretty simple - 1 osc (tri, sine and square waveforms), a filter (cutoff + resonance), a pre-amp and an amplifier, with a stylophone-style keyboard (when I make the PCB anyway). Here's a video of me playing with it

However, I would really like to implement a Monotron-style ribbon controller as well as the keyboard, so squeaks and farts etc are much more easy to access. Plus it would just be pretty fucking cool.

What could I use to do this? I heard about using VHS tape but I'm unsure. I would much rather use a more professional, commercial solution than hack something together.

Any ideas?

Dunno if this is worth mentioning, but here in England I have only ever seen DMGs with the smaller serials, never the large barcode ones.

This could just be in my limited experience however.


(12 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

kitsch wrote:
Vex wrote:

kitsch ... new cases coming out ... a one of a kind section ... mixed colored plastics

yes.  if at all possible


Dude if you manage to do so, I'm first in line for one! For real


(12 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Oh yeah, I know you can't actually tie die one! Haha

The paintjob is sick!

More than swirls though, I'm more interested in like, textured patterns? Like when you just scrunch a t-shirt up rather than twirling it around!

Probably worth noting I'm not really expecting an actual "solution" per se, more looking for discussion around the topic to see if it would ever be viable


(12 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Having a kinda tie dye effect gameboy would be like, the ultimate in radness

Would this even be possible? I know dying shells has been done quite a lot, but to give a tie dye effect would be so so sweet

There's a few of us around Tyneside!

And there's a bit of a scene in Middlesborough too

Two of my favourite chip bands

Eagerly await this
