(53 replies, posted in General Discussion)

trash80 wrote:
herr_prof wrote:

I really like ???. When I say it out loud I jsut make a quizzical expression with a confused grunt.

[inserts Home Improvement video clip of Tim Allen grunting]


10k wrote:
celsius wrote:

best party ever.

It could never be that good.

ninjaspew wrote:

most dangerous animal in australia: horses

Watching that just made me realise how much I miss having parties at the Queensberry Hotel. Sure, that place had it's short comings (like the fact the "main room" could only fit like 30 people) but every party felt like the best party ever.

Please note that Minikomi wont be playing tonight since he served the greater good with an AMAZING blip set, so we may start a touch later with 7 acts instead of 8 and less tight change overs


(30 replies, posted in General Discussion)

NP : trash80 (super secret guest!) with visuals from M7kenji.

This is the last set of the night. Thanks all for turning up and tuning in. Hope to see you all again next time!

To be fair, this is almost 100% abrasive's work. I just like spruking his efforts! smile I'm just trying to help where I can I guess.


(30 replies, posted in General Discussion)

10 minutes to go til Day 2 starts!!


(30 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Chainsaw Police wrote:

No, but these are two totally different songs

It could also be becase when we stopped the stream for one set you tuned into the uStream. When you are on a uStream that is not live it will play the recorded set. I'd suggest you were listening to the recorded set on uStream perhaps?

Hey dudes. If anyone wants to come to Disney Sea with a little crew tomorrow then just sling me a PM or meet us there. Most folk have my JP phone number but if not, again, sling me a PM and I'll shoot you the number. We're going early in the morning and will be there all day on the 20th.


(7 replies, posted in Releases)

This release has more lolstralian in-jokes than you can shake a stick at.

10k wrote:


I remember walking through the cali sandylands with cTrix and cellers and fenrah and being like... "I'm pretty sure those holes were places where snakes and scorpions live."

And we were all "fuck it, we're Australians!"

HAHAHA! I remember that, good times. As I recall we were walking out into the desert in order to set off fireworks. Goooood times.

And bears and shit!

So want RG in attendance. Make this happen! Remember, there are after and before parties we still need to curate >:D

Dot.AY wrote:


This one was easily my favourite! Instant classic.

godinpants wrote:
herr_prof wrote:


This needs to happen.


celsius wrote:

Seriously, don't cry in 6 months when you don't have the cash to come. Save now! I'm not exaggerating when I say that Blip Australia was the best gig I've been to in my life. That and it's fucking Melbourne! How could you go wrong?

LOL! Seamless.