godinpants wrote:

The PMG-10: making piano-bit accessible to gamers I'm a student and gamer in Tallahassee, Florida trying to bring piano to the world of videogames.

Nice hook, but what is it? The PMG-10 is a fully self-contained analogue synthesizer that uses the original Pianoforté as its sound module. The code being run on the instrument is based off of Piano written by Bartolomeo Cristofori. The gamecontroller is running off of an Arduino micro-controller. All the code and designs are completely open source. The synth is designed to be hacked together from other game controllers if needed / wanted.

Why are you doing this? I want to make piano sounds more accessible to any gamer. Right now, the only way to use a Piano or Keyboard for music requires learning complicated notes that can take months or years to master. Plus, it's difficult to use a piano for headshots or playing xboxlive with other noobs. That's where the PMG-10 comes in. The PMG-10 combines the playability of a standard game control with the sound and raw piano-bit power of the Pianoforté. The PMG-10 will let a whole new group of gamers make piano-bit and pianotune based music.

All good and well, but why do you need my help? As it turns out, prototyping a full synthesizer requires a decent amount of money. While I'm almost done with the prototype, I need to build a cleaner version with more condensed hardware; the prototype is just too messy to be practical. This requires String fabrication, case manufacturing, and more stools and cushions. Once I have all of that done, though, all of my code and designs will become open source. All of my Eagle documents, all of my code sets, everything will be open and build-able by anyone.

I will still offer building services and kits after the drive for those that are slightly less carpentarially inclined. I want everybody to be capable of using this piano.

What do I get out of this? Eternal love and thanks from me, plus our many fabulous prizes listed off to the right hand side.

What's next for the project? I need to finish the prototype and then get cracking on the final keyboard design. It will be a long process, but it will definitely be worth it.

Thanks you for reading this. Any donation will help, even $1. Your pledge is incredibly appreciated.

Project location: Tallahassee, FL

You sir, are king of the internet.

Done. Get it now while the gettings good. I can't keep this here forever.

I've started downloading this on my torrent seedbox. As long as I can get the whole file (KEEP SEEDING YOU FUCKERS!) I'll leave it up there to seed to other members. That should at least guarantee 12+ mbps is avilable to leechers.


(36 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

arottenbit wrote:

It cant be shipping fault, trust me.

LOL! If the LCD was already stressed from the pressure of the backlight between the case and LCD then it would only take a small knock to crack the LCD.

"It can be a shipping fault, trust me. I'm from the internet."

I'm going to use this as the silver bullet dispute ender from now on. "It can't be XXX, trust me"


(36 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I dunno man, pretty poor if he sent it out like that. As people have said there is a high possibility that this was shipping or other damage. I'd be asking for a refund regardless.


(36 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Who did you buy this from?


(19 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

KODEK wrote:


AHHA YEA and will make a picture of that radio too >>>

Holy shit.

I really must ask, why do you submit your posts in random case, littered with random special characters? I'd genuinely like to know. I'm not having a go at you at all. Is your keyboard broken or is making your post purposely illegible some sort of stylistic choice and if so why?

I just really don't get it. It must take more time and effort to format your text like that rather than just punctuating and formatting to the standard...

All it achieves is to obfuscate the very questions you're asking for help with.

Princess wrote:

also I just realized I have to open for cTrix.

At least you don't have to play after him! tongue


(19 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Those FM transmitters are often horrible at maintaining the integrity of the frequency spectrum you put through it. I have one I use in the car but I would never listen to music through it. We generally just use it for podcasts (smodcast) on the drive to work in the morning. I'd suggest if you REALLY must have wireless then go something digital but honestly I think it's just better to be corded.


(17 replies, posted in Past Events)

Video is set to private sad


(31 replies, posted in Releases)

Still my favourite live album I have. Everyone get on this.

That was really good. Intelligent and objective look at past and present. Also I love that Freezedream tune near the end. So good.

OxygenStar wrote:
Derris-Kharlan wrote:

sad This depresses me greatly

oh hush !!! You can have cTrix whenever you want... let the US peeps have him for a little bit !!!!

HAHA! I think Derris-Kharlan is just depressed because had things gone to plan he would have been there right now too!

Chipcon 2010 - NO MATTER WHAT!

Everyone needs to get the fuck out to this show and see cTrix. Chris is a fucking legendary performer and a gent to boot.

Go buy him a beer (although I'll let you in on a secret, he LOVES absinthe)

Nue wrote:

the 'rents are going to be in Melbourne that weekend.

EDIT: That weekend / this weekend

Are you going to be in fucking Melbourne?! Motherfucker come represent!

Yeah, I'm just now starting to get nervous. neutral