(2 replies, posted in Releases)



(2 replies, posted in Releases)

Something I've been working on for a little while now.  Should be a couple more EPs coming by the end of the year.


this is some legit journalism.  he has INTEGRITY.


(37 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Bit Shifter wrote:

ITT: harmless video provokes intense feelings.


(24 replies, posted in General Discussion)

neilbaldwin wrote:

What. The. Fuck.

egr wrote:

Being from Kentucky, I prefer to "keep it in the family."  tongue

Well, if you can't keep it in your pants, keep it in the family.

TmTgr wrote:

* Respond ta this!
      Twittered 11 minutes ago

No.  Wait, shit.

True, I mean it's a technological music box.  Funny question though that I didn't find really answered in this thread, is the music good?  What do you guys think of the actual composition?

Daaaaaag, this thing is $30?  I want to get one, but its so expensive for an album.

double post whoops.


(141 replies, posted in General Discussion)

roygbiv is the name of my favorite boards of canada tune.


(129 replies, posted in General Discussion)

neilbaldwin wrote:

I'm in.

Here's Kipling when he was a youngster, doing his best Hendrix impression.

haha, yes.


Just finished this song this morning.  I'll say first off that I know its cheesy, but I was kind of trying to make it that way; but if you think it's even too cheesy for that, let me know!  I'm definitely still new to the game so criticism from you guys is very much so appreciated.

so, I guess the thread is dying?  sad

"Reformat the Planet", made by 2 Player Productions (also the guys behind Penny Arcade: The Series), is a feature-length documentary highlighting chip music and its numerous artists involved with the movement.

The good folks over at Fangamer collaborated with 2 Player Productions to bring this film to DVD, and because of that, the
Fangamer Podcast will be having a huge Q&A podcast with 2 Player Productions, featuring questions from not only the Fangamer community and ourselves from the podcast, but also from the chip music communities and the PATV audience as a whole.  Which definitely includes you guys, so we would really like to hear from any of you who have questions for them!

This thread is for asking any questions you may have for 2 Player Productions; about the creation of Reformat the Planet, sharing your thoughts of the film, anything you want them to answer regarding the documentary.

We'll be recording as soon as Sunday, September 26th, so if you want your questions to be read on the podcast, be sure to get them in by then!

Thanks a lot, guys!

honestly, now's a really bad time sad  but I'd love to do one in the future.  its just I work all weekend.  Just challenge someone that's asked to be challenged previously and then pm them and see if they're willing to do it.  if 48 hours passes then challenge someone else, that's what I did.  you're bound to find someone that wants to do it, a lot of people did.