This is a great idea! One thread per thing, and a string of reviews for each thing. Sounds way useful!
274 Dec 23, 2013 5:24 pm
Re: MJP sale thread - empty! (135 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Updated trade wants:
game boy flash carts that can be programmed by a ziegler programmer
interesting game boy cart plastic - fun colors mostly
a handheld console for piggy - PSP, gp2x, whatever
275 Dec 19, 2013 9:44 pm
Re: I'll pay you to fix my Zeigler-style programmer! (35 replies, posted in Trading Post)
ooooooookay so apparently the other 8515 is totally fine! Who knew? Well, nitro did, that's who!
276 Dec 19, 2013 9:15 pm
Re: Trash Secret Kickstarter Secrets (7 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Yeah his work (both artistic and technical) seems super rad but his kickstarter is confused and has too much going on.
277 Dec 19, 2013 9:09 pm
Re: I'll pay you to fix my Zeigler-style programmer! (35 replies, posted in Trading Post)
wowwwww, okay! that makes sense but it would have taken me a DAMN long time to figure that out. Thanks again!
As for the other 8515, I'm gonna try it out some more and see if it will take programming again, but I'm pretty sure it's fried.
278 Dec 19, 2013 8:05 pm
Re: I'll pay you to fix my Zeigler-style programmer! (35 replies, posted in Trading Post)
That did it! Thank you! This pile of junk is now a functioning cart flasher! Now you've got to tell me what the new fuse values mean and why you changed them...
279 Dec 19, 2013 7:07 pm
Re: I'll pay you to fix my Zeigler-style programmer! (35 replies, posted in Trading Post)
yep, that confirms that the fuses are set correctly - so at this stage am I safe in assuming the ftdi chip is indeed bunk? I mean the atmega was bunk, so maybe whatever happened to one happened to the other? I believe this brings us back to the "mailing it to Sweden" stage.
280 Dec 19, 2013 6:20 pm
Re: I'll pay you to fix my Zeigler-style programmer! (35 replies, posted in Trading Post)
The plot thickens - I checked it in atmelstudio and it lists them correctly - H 0xD9 and L 0xEE, no efuse listed at all. So is that just a quirk of avrdude?
281 Dec 19, 2013 5:50 pm
Re: I'll pay you to fix my Zeigler-style programmer! (35 replies, posted in Trading Post)
alright! That did it, thanks. So I got the new chip programmed, it's doing great and all. Then I get the same symptoms... no device recognition on XP or OSX 10.6.8 (FTDI drivers installed of course).
So I pop the atmega back in the programmer and check everything - apparently when I set the high fuse, avrdude is actually putting that value in the efuse slot - I'm getting
"Fuses OK (H:FF, E:D9, L:EE)"
the hell?
edit: to be more clear, if I set an lfuse value, it goes to L. If I attempt to set an hfuse value, it goes to E. If I attempt to set an efuse value, it says there's no such thing!
282 Dec 19, 2013 5:43 am
Re: I'll pay you to fix my Zeigler-style programmer! (35 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Huh, alright I'll take another stab at this tomorrow. Luckily I have extra crystals...
283 Dec 19, 2013 12:09 am
Re: I'll pay you to fix my Zeigler-style programmer! (35 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Well to be fair, this is the only project I've used it for - so the data isn't statistically relevant but perhaps that's not the best track record.
284 Dec 19, 2013 12:03 am
Re: I'll pay you to fix my Zeigler-style programmer! (35 replies, posted in Trading Post)
I think I finally determined that my 8515 was dead. Who knows how that happened, it's been in storage for awhile.
So I swapped it out for another one. When I wrote the low fuse as EE, it worked - then it also died (errors on all attempts to program). I'm reading here that programming the fuses incorrectly can kill these things?
285 Dec 18, 2013 11:36 pm
Re: What are you drinking right now? (119 replies, posted in General Discussion)
286 Dec 18, 2013 11:12 pm
Re: Gameboy Programmer Group Printing (274 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
If there were a second batch, I would buy another.
287 Dec 18, 2013 7:25 pm
Re: [SEGA MD / GEN] GenMDM SEGA Genesis / Mega Drive MIDI Interface (1,383 replies, posted in Sega)
288 Dec 18, 2013 7:20 pm
Re: Sustainable Cart Flasher Project (41 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
The mounting tabs have to be removed for GB games to fit, but I can assure you I've found a VERY strong way of mounting them
So are they glued or something?