(3 replies, posted in Releases)

wait so, is the vinyl actually a thing I can haz? because this is rad

calmdownkidder wrote:
kineticturtle wrote:

After a big show, some guy came up to me and politely complained about how I strum the banjo too much

Well, yeah, you should have a wank after the show, not during.


After a big show, some guy came up to me and politely complained about how I strum the banjo too much - apparently I should be doing all rolls, all the time. He ended with: "but I'm not really into that chip stuff anyway."

The guy who had to wait for that guy to leave me alone to talk to me wanted to fly me to the Phillipines for a show though...


(135 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Deleted everything that's gone. Shipping some packages today....


(21 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

Wish I used piggy so I could rock that neon shirt!


(135 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Fixed the Pasco photos. Now they are there.

Responded to everybody interested in something. There is a claim of some sort staked on everything except the minidiscs, the interface and the smokeys.



(135 replies, posted in Trading Post)

No, sorry. Those got sold in a batch with the circuit boards awhile back. sad


(135 replies, posted in Trading Post)

all gone! heart

Maaaaaan, I was totally looking for a show on this date... in NY. This looks rockin'! heart my West Coast chip scene!


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

It was this: http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/10518 … reightbit/


(99 replies, posted in Releases)

xiwi wrote:

Also, anyone else notice how precariously mounted those LED Projector Cubes (capitalization totally appropriate) are?

They're clamped on.


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I was in The Glowing Stars, indeed. Sorry you couldn't make it to the final gig! We were totally in PDX just about a month before that, too. sad
Last show up there was as Matthew Joseph Payne, played with Boaconstructor, Greightbit, Nic Cunningham.

We have a monthly show in SF called 8bitSF - 8bitsf.com ! Check it out! I headlined this month, there's video cropping up all around.


(34 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

The ESX-1 is the machine I had. It was wonderful, despite being a smart media unit.


(34 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Dark Oyster wrote:
kineticturtle wrote:

Auxcide does.

An electribe?


Here's a video from the last 8bitSF where he triggered his electribe with arduinoboy midiout mode to play drums for a neutral milk hotel cover, sung by Together We Are Robots and myself.
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10 … mp;theater

I also used one for years in an old band called Tensegrity Nine, before I started doing chipmusic with any seriousness, but I didn't really ever sync it with anything. Loved it though, sturdy machine, excellent live.


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

jerkemy wrote:

2 DMGs  and one "stereo" modded, VRC6-enabled NES with a PowerPak playing songs in NSF format, written in FamiTracker. (None of it is synced together or anything, I just have some songs in LSDJ and some in FamiTracker.)
I play a Gibson SG over it all and sing, for the 2/3 or so of my songs that have lyrics.

Where the hell were you when I was trying to put together a Portland gig a couple months ago? I'll remember you next time I'm up!