ya'll are fucking batshit insane and it's making my dick hard


bump cause this is gonna be a super cool

Btw, pixls, keep in mind I don't need to run like  9,000 tracks and plugins and vsts and shizz, I just need something to sketch out ideas when i don't have a computer on hand, with the ability to export said ideas as audio or midi. Not really production, more just a small compositional tool.

But, I ask you guys cause when i type in music composition android apps i get shit like "classical piano app!" and whatnot.

and pianos fucking suck. there i said it. ANYWAY

Thanks for the responses! Everything helps!


(18 replies, posted in Releases)

official bootleg. i believe that's an oxymoron

pixls wrote:

realistically android tablets don't have the optimization you'd want for real music production, not to mention the atrocious lack of apps, if you actually want to do serious music production on a tablet the only real option is an iPad.

an0va wrote:

if you MUST go tablet, iPad for the apps

I've thought about this, but I really just don't feel like dealing with Apple's all black box everything bullshit. I plan on having this thing for a while, and not being able to fix it myself is going to seriously fuck with my life. I also like being able to multitask. Besides, I have seen some decent apps out there, and I'm sure there's more. Gonna keep looking.

ultraturducken wrote:

samsung galaxy tab 7 is $150 right now. great simple tablet. good deal considering what it goes for on ebay -- worst case scenario you sell it for a profit.
root it, slap on a custom os, load up some production/synthesis apps and you're good to go on the cheap.

i just grabbed one and i'm psyched to use nanoloop mobile on such a big screen!


If you glitch it right, you can reach FF in the chains window.

That being said, it's just a glitch, you can't actually use FF

Chiptography wrote:

It's also my BIRTHDAY!!!! I'll bring the cupcakes smile

Do you like chocolate milk?
Do you like to get boozy?

roboctopus wrote:

Yep.  7F with FE phrases, with K command at the top.  Always and forever.

oh my i do this as well

I owe u mad sexual favours

danimal cannon wrote:
shitbird wrote:

haha i love when" techno bands"  fake play.

I'll never understand why electronic musicians who mostly program their music attempt to act like something they're obviously not. I'd much rather see a piece of performance art or dancers while listening to the tune ya wrote; don't need to see you physically reproduce it live to have a good fucking time.

I don't give a fuck how good you can "play" a song, as long as you can write rad fucking tunes


thanks for the suggestions, guys!
well, judge me as you please, but i def need a tablet. Looking at the Lenovo ideapad a1 atm.
ipad was considered, then thrown out when I realized you have to sync everything through itunes, and when i considered that it's like yet another piece of apple gear in the sense that when it breaks, you can't fix it without coughing up ungodly amounts of money.

thoughts? nanoloop is a definite, still looking for more apps. My ideal app would be a digital audio workstation that runs on gingerbread

barbeque wrote:

white people and e pills are so inspiring.

Ok. So I've decided for many reasons I need to invest in a tablet soon. I've also decided that if I do, I also want to invest in a serious music program for sketching ideas on the fly. Now, the vast majority of music programs (apps I guess the cool kids call them nowadays) I've seen for ipad / android / whatever look like fucking toys. I'd like something as close to a daw / tracker as possible, with the ability to export out sound at proper 44100 / 48000hz and .mid files of my work.

What are you guys suggestions for a tablet / music program combo?

bonus points if i can use a physical keyboard type jawn with it!

Saskrotch wrote:

fucking white people
