idk i was just bummed about that philly-nj-vulturemoose? transaction, but it's all good

that paper looks legit, color pics and everything. good work!

i'm still butthurt but whatever i'll be there. this sounds like it could use some frisbees and beachballs...

ya know, after all the 21+ summer shows, this is a breath of fresh air.

i still wouldn't mind it if you dropped the 'con' label though wink

BUMP becaue fuck yeah

*insert snarky comment here*

i carry my 8bit stuff in an old wool hat my friend knitted for me. been thinking about upgrading to a top hat though

sooo who else is hyped for Magoni and Chaffels' debute?

this may be the end of all time oh fuck

this is beautiful. haven't heard Ok Ikumi in like 2 years. hopefully i'll make it for the open mic

we're a very somber crowd of chipmusicians. Jonathan B4ken was the only one smiling tongue

DaPantz wrote:

*humps air for 45 minutes straight*


you should ask nonfinite for a bleep bloop cart if your looking for lsdj. personal i think its waaay better than nanoloop but im kinda biased.
anyway, if anyone cares i love writing melodies on the sk1 or lsdj, but a dingo loaded up with lgpt is my new favorite thing


(274 replies, posted in General Discussion)

edit: woooo

pixls wrote:

will the Dirty rom dance mix vinal be available at the festies? :3

also, the philly lineup was announced, Squarewave, an interesting new development smile

Ro-Bear wrote:

I played a set a couple weeks ago after a violin trio in the art/music building.  At a point probs 50 people were watching me and a guy offered to hand out the flyers for me.  Hopefully this will get a great crowd!
