(38 replies, posted in Releases)

I am currently wading in the shit that I have let loose in my pants since that teaser went up.

So good. So good. So good.

#wasthere #wishiwasstillthere

Scrolling through (or searching for little-scale) here served me well when I upgraded computers.

godinpants wrote:
Tken A.D. wrote:

In Australia, it's terrible, especially in Adelaide. The is a few artists in Melbourne, but that's about it

Hang on there. Do you remember we had that thing earlier in the year, what was it? Burp? Bop? Blip?
You're in Adelaide. Home of DOCTOR CHIPTUNE SCALE.
Dragon derp genius abrasive is Sydney via Melbourne.
Pixelbro Ilija lives here now.
Gentle hurst kills sharks.
10k, Derris Kharlan, dot.ay, abortifacient, Hunz.

We so chiptune famuss.

Plus I we are including general Amiga music, motherfucking nasenbluten.

Victory road: maddest kings and pselodux are both ex-Perth.

Thought I'd slap in a bit more about the Aus-chip community -

Aus Chip artist directory
Bit out of date, but still interesting to find out more info about local. Add yourself to it.

A four year old list of Australian artists
A lot of these artists have changed a bunch, or are simply inactive... but it proves further that we have shit going on and have for a while.

#GBA "Gigs" tagged blog posts
Here are (currently) 132 Australian artists related gigs/events that are going to happen or have happened in Aus.


Should be noted that Melbourne had a micromusic HQ for a while there as well, with future_eater heading things up (if I'm not mistaken). We've had stuff going on over here on-and-off for a while.


(30 replies, posted in Trading Post)

It's over. Final batch mailed out today. Boom-shaka-laka. Thank you all.


(30 replies, posted in Trading Post)

QueenOfTulips wrote:
10k wrote:

Awesome guys! I'm glad y'all are into them!

1 question though - where did you get them printed? the print quality is sweet

Sticker Robot.

Very reasonable prices, very high quality.


(30 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Awesome guys! I'm glad y'all are into them!

Evil Scientist wrote:

00 with a K command for a blank chain

7F with c5 with K01 at the start of each channel for syncing when recording


(30 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Orders feel like they're slowing, so I'll mail out the second/last batch this week.

As an FYI, they should be at SoundBytes, Blip and BRKfest if all plans play out properly.

herr_prof wrote:

Wrap up what? There isnt really a satisfying conclusion.

I thought, the demise of 8bc, the rise cm.o and the drag'n'derp cart (dwarfing all previous attempts at cart building) were the satisfying conclusion?

kitsch wrote:

anyways, here is the post i was thinking of, chipflip: http://chipflip.wordpress.com/2010/01/1 … leepbloop/

Also, chipcoalition.com ... I remember that happening.


(30 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Hey all, now I'm mailing a wad up to NY to (hopefully) make it to Blip.


(30 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Everyone who has purchased before the timestamp of this post has had their stickers mailed out!


iLKke wrote:

them sickers be stick as

Thanks dude. I'm sure you'll get a fistfull of them soon.


(30 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Thanks bros!


(29 replies, posted in General Discussion)

The knife city EP, Cheapsh0t album and Monodeer EP come to mind as things I've been listening to that came out in the past 6(?) months.

Wish I could come to this.

Such a good lineup.


(29 replies, posted in General Discussion)

shotgun breakdown wrote:
Saskrotch wrote:

you guys don't have to do a comp every time something happens

do you have to do this in every thread?
just shut your fat fucking mouth every once in a while

Hey bro, talking like this to anyone on here is a surefire way to get a slap from mods no matter how much someone's jokes get at you. Keep it clean, especially in a thread about someone's death.

THE RULES wrote:

01. Play nice and use common sense.

02. While we understand that heated debates may sometime occur, but we will not condone nor allow any type of harassment nor intimidation.



(30 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Chainsaw Police wrote:

Bought them a few hours ago, cant't wait to get em in the mail; when will they be shipped out roughly?

I'm going to do a mailout early this week.

sugar sk*-*lls wrote:

nice! is that a taco in the hand of the music mashine? mayhaps somethings are truly universal? *o*!

Why yes it is!