(20 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

AdamGetsAwesome wrote:

It's the polarizing film used with green backlights. Same thing with Blue and probably some other ones as well.

The polarized film is generic and not color specific.


Is the polarized film in the 'inverted' position? When your DMG is off, the screen will be a dark blue color.

The downside to the backlight modification is the mirror foil is removed to allow light to shine through the LCD. The mirror foil is what makes the screen more visible in daylight. The backlight mod is geared towards people who use their gameboy at night and play gigs. If the polarized film is in the normal position, it's much more visible in daylight. If it's in the inverted position, it's more difficult to see.


(75 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

akira^8GB wrote:

All I ever got was $3 panels. Not sure I know what you are all referring to. Seriously and totally out of curiosity, I would be really interested in knowing what sort of modification can run to 80 dollars in parts. Unless it is an internal Arduinoboy mod, I can't think of anything more expensive.

And teh price of Game Boys of course relateds to teh popularity they had in each area. Here they cost like 10USD, but there are few.

Well the thing is, sometimes I have to pay 40-50 dollars for play it loud DMGs, so that puts me half way to $80.00 right there.

Here's one that ran me a lot of money in parts

The kits were pretty expensive. The backlight and battery indicator were over $45.00, buttons, the DMG, dye and acetone, guitar jack, switch, crystals, custom circuit board for the toggle switch, custom screen cover.

Not all cost me $80.00 in parts, just the intricate ones. In some cases I only charge $60 for a backlit, button modded, pro sound DMG. It all depends...


(75 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Three LEDs wasn't the point of the panels. The point was they're made to run off 5v instead of the unregulated power source.

The only reason I brought it up was because people are talking about $12.00 panels, and they're obviously referring to mine.


(16 replies, posted in Trading Post)

AdamGetsAwesome wrote:

Nuby lights are worth roughly $1.50 according to the price they go for at actual ripoff game shops. Worth basically $0 without a battery door.

The battery door can be remedied extremely easily, but thanks.


(75 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

AdamGetsAwesome wrote:

All I read here was "I'm awesome at modding, everyone that charges little sucks." What's wrong with people trying mods themselves? I think it's a good thing. Whatever.

I never said people that charge little suck. Didn't even imply it. Some people sell poorly modded gameboys and sell them for cheap, some people sell poorly modded gameboys and sell them for outrageous prices. Some people sell well modded gameboys for cheap as well.

I already stated that this project was to make DIY products. My intent was to aid the DIY community, so please don't put words into my mouth.

The LED count of my backlights wasn't the significance- it's the price I was referring to.


This probably wouldn't do much good for people in the US, but when I ship internationally I keep the carbon copy of the customs declaration, which has the recipients address on it, as well a stamp from the post office. So if they try to file a false dispute with paypal or something, I'm covered under seller protection. When I ship nationally, I ship express because it has a delivery confirmation and in some cases costs less than surface mail.

Honestly, I've been actively going to garage sales and thrift stores for many years and I've never once seen a DMG.

However, I once saw one at a pawn shop, but it was $50.00 I believe. Maybe $40.00, but a ridiculous price regardless.

Also, a lot of US sellers won't ship to me in Canada, and there are very few good deals of DMGs on the Canadian ebay site.

I do offer a reasonable discount on trade ins though.

Anyway, I agree that a lot of modders sell gameboys for unreasonable prices. I'd like to hope I'm not one of them, as I try my best to invest everything I make back into the community.


(75 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Also, if you can tell me a place to buy DMGs for $5.00, I'll lower my prices significantly. I check eBay on a daily basis, and in the last 2 years or so, have never received a gameboy for $5.00

Keeping in mind that I live in Canada, and shipping a DMG domestically costs over $13.00.


(75 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I didn't say it was a bad thing to encourage - I make DIY products. I obviously encourage it.

I do very intricate mods sometimes. It's incredibly easy to spend over $80.00 in parts.

I don't really know what you mean with this 'research' stuff, it really seems like you're misinterpreting what I meant. I don't mean encouraging people to do mods themselves is taking business away from me, but when someone comes to my thread and tells someone who is interested in purchasing from me that my prices are too high and they can do it him/her self, then they are trying to take business away from me.

I wasn't 'angry', just discouraged.  My reply wasn't intended to spite DIYers or people who encourage people do mod their own gameboys. I just wanted to clarify why I mod DMGs, and why I ask the prices that I do.


(75 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Before I had the modification service, I wondered this too.

Buying gameboys is a gamble most of the time. Things like horizontal dead lines are a write off. If the LCD is scratched it's essentially unusable because even after replacing the polarized film, it won't look as good. So many broken battery doors, broken screw posts, etc, etc...
If I make $10.00 profit on a mod that takes me 4 hours to do, and one of my DMGs that has $80.00 of parts put into gets lost in the mail, I'd lose an insane amount of work.


(16 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I'm in Canada, actually.

Not sure what to charge for the nuby light though. Still not sure if it works. I guess it takes AA batteries...I should test it first.


(16 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Two sale threads at once, but the rules say to 'use your own good judgment', and I think if I try to sell these things in my 'modded DMGs' thread, it will just get too chaotic and difficult to manage.

Trying to fund my next project/product, so I'm selling as much stuff as I can right now.

These prices don't include shipping. Will ship for free with a modded DMG.

Handy Carry Case- SOLD
Not sure if this is worth anything. This is the only one I've seen

Battery Packs/Wall adapters $10 each
These are all missing the cords to plug into the wall, but I can hard wire a new one in.

Red Gameboy Camera - $10.00

Nuby Light - ??
Not sure what these things are worth, I'll update it with a price when I figure it out. I have two, one is missing the battery door

SP Cover - $3.00

apeshitmods (at) gmail [dot] com


