Too late, I already sold it. Oh, and Shaun, I was looking more to get rid of it. I have money. It's okay.


I'm selling my NES with the Legend Of Zelda custom paintjob on both the unit and the controller (with wear and tear). The NES also has the lockout pin disabled as well as a sound expansion mod for 2A03+VRC6 sounds. I'm also selling the famicom adapter but be warned:

1. Some holes were left unscrewed during reassembly after disassembly.
2. Even with the territorial lockout disabled, I was unable to play famicom games. Regular NES games whether licensed, unlicensed, or homebrew work fine, however. PowerPak also works fine.

I am selling it for $20+S&H.

EDIT: I'll include the loose screws in the shipment.

EDIT: Already Sold! Close this topic, please, mods.

Here's a YouTube video featuring the 4-player competitive composition mode.

EDIT: I forgot to note that there's Japanese commentary, but it's unnecessary and doesn't distract from what Korg and Detune are trying to show you.


(23 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Here's more info on Korg Gadget for Switch.

There's now product info for Korg Gadget for the Switch.


(23 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

dot matrix goon wrote:

needs LSDJ.

with 16 tracks.

Ahem: … do-switch/


(4 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Um, Sorry to disappoint you, but the Gameboy doesn't play NSF files. those are only for the Famicom/NES only. The Game Boy is entirely different hardware.

AliaSSoundS wrote:

Yeah, I love my Switch. It's the most fun I've had on any console in a long time. The main reason I got it originally was for Mario Odyssey and Skyrim, but I absolutely adore Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Arms. I'm beyond hyped for Korg Gadget.

Sorry to veer off topic, but no Breath of the Wild for you? I've played it, and it's the Game of the Decade for me: it's like a combination of Ocarina of Time and an Elder Scrolls game such as Morrowind or Skyrim.

herr_prof wrote:

you know they make ipads still

*wakes up from Coma*


frank angotti is dead wrote:

looks like I finally have a reason to get one

I have so many reasons it's not even funny.

Finally, we’re going to have a DAW for the Nintendo Switch that we can play at Chiptune shows! … do-switch/

I just ordered an EZFlashIV cart from Amazon. I'll make sure I can make awesome GBA tunes on my SP!


(0 replies, posted in Releases)

Sorry for posting this a month late! A month ago I released an EP of original Sega Genesis music made with DefleMask. If you download it on bandcamp here, you will even get the VGM files and a ROM that will play on a Sega Genesis/Mega Drive (with an Everdrive MD cartridge) or a Kega Fusion Emulator!

Check it out!

And I'm sorry I'm so late!

P.S. It's also available everwhere else, on iTunes, Apple Music, spotify, tidal, google play, etc.

I don't know if this is the right forum to ask about this, but do any of you guys know any "chiptune"/pixel-art/"8-bit" Wordpress themes? I'm kinda looking for some and my web site could use one.
Here's my web site, in case you were wondering.

Has any of you found a way to remap the insert key yet (or at least found a way to shift rows downwards)? That's a problem Alex Mauer and I are having.


(3 replies, posted in Sega)

But what if I get a used cart that used to be at a Blockbuster Video? The reason I'm worried about this is because the last used Sonic 3 cart I bought didn't let me erase any saves after I turned off the Genesis.